Paris Hilton
Aug-7-2005 10:16
OK, I have been *trying* real hard not to say anything. But the non-subscribed members get this add for a Paris Hilton photo album.
I will avoid clicking on this like...pretty much the plague.
I just don't see it. How can anyone find her attractive? Even if you surgically removed her brain, to place one that actually works in there. Take out her personality, and replace it for one that is more passable.
.......even then still, I don't see it.
Would we get clearer answers, if we take away her money too. *shock* *horror* Paris Hilton and no money....what is she to do. Something horrible as working, without camera's.
Replies |
Aug-11-2005 22:41
I don't like her, at all - particularly since she's famous simply for being rich, and hasn't yet done anything.. oh, useful with her life.
Luniar Arkain
Aug-11-2005 23:20
That's the way Sleuth'll make tons o' money via subscriptions; making the banner ads evil.
Aug-12-2005 11:00
Luniar, Ben would only make cash, if someone actually purchased a subscription from the Paris Hilton photo album place.
Judging from the response on this thread, that won't be happening. :)
Aug-13-2005 14:04
We could all click on the link. That might help Ben. Just be sure to close the window before you see any more picture! :D
*AAAHHH my eyes!*
Aug-13-2005 14:08
So what kind of ads do you think might actually have a chance of getting people to click on them around here?
I'd guess a small Book Seller would have pretty good luck around here.
Aug-13-2005 16:11
I think other games.
There is also this site that is called lovehuddle or something. I haven't checked it out, but one can only imagine. :)
Aug-14-2005 16:10
I agree with everyone that says paris is a brainless *cof* blonde. And also that she and brit spears would be ABSOLUTELY NOTHING without makeup. how weak is that? neither of them have any sort of personality whatsoever!!!
Madame Giry
Aug-14-2005 18:07
Now I'm not trying to create an argument here but... what the hell? Do you guys not realize the true problem here? Like, seriously? On what scale do you actually "know" Ms. Paris Hilton? How do you know her? Media. Tabloids. Dare I say it- MTV. Of course you are going to think shit of her because all you hear about her is shit. "Sex film Scandal", "Oops, Paris Did it Again", "Party Girl Paris Finally Pays". Perhaps you all of heard of a little thing call commercial self? Jessica Simpson isn't a dumb blonde. Angelina Jolie isn't a heartless bitch. It's all a.) Fake from the magazines, b.)Advertisement so that these people who ARE human can work on the empire that they have created for themselves, and c.) Your imagination. Junks sells. Paris thinking of settling down, she is working, and I really think you should stop caring about whether men (or women, but that is a whole different subject) find Mz. Hilton hot, and start thinking about the real world. Like, ok?
Madame Giry
Aug-14-2005 18:08
Get it?
Blaise Joshua
Aug-15-2005 07:30
Hmm. I kind of agree with some of the sentiment of what you're saying Madame Giry, but not totally. Like I said in an earlier post, I think some of the comments against Paris are a bit harsh, even though I don't particularly like her myself.
However ...
There is something of a contradiction in your rather impassioned argument. If the Paris everyone seems to know and hate really is just "the commercial self", a persona to sell, then you can't really criticise people for buying into it because that's what (according to you) Paris Hilton, Angelina Jolie and Jessica Simpson have chosen to sell us. It's their product to the world. If Jessica S. is selling us a dumb blonde, you can't blame everyone for thinking she's a dumb blonde.
It's like when someone criticises, for example, Eminem for being misogynisitc or a homophobe - the standard reply is "You don't know him." Of course that's true, but we know the celebrity he's choosing to sell the world and the personality he's choosing to show us, so that's what the opinion becomes based on. What else would you expect?