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Recruitment thread read only?
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May-26-2005 07:35

I notice still a lot of unsubbed people go through time and effort to find an agency to join on the recruitment thread.

Perhaps maybe it is a better idea to give them read only rights, and when they try to post that they are directed to a new page with a disclaimer (or FAQ) on only being able to join agencies when they are subbed. Then a list of reasons to sub. If there are more questions to go to the newbies thread.

I'd be willing to write it, with some help of other experienced Sleuths.

The disclaimer/FAQ may become a good comprehensive guide for people who are not aware of the additional benefits subscribing would bring.


Scruffy Outlaw
Scruffy Outlaw

May-30-2005 10:08

WOW, I'm already in an agency...but reading this makes me want to join all over again. LOL

Good job, jstkdn. LOL


May-30-2005 14:09

It's a proposal. The read only thing was on one proposal. The other one was to write something as a marketing tool to advise non-subbed newbies who are wondering. It looks like the first read only proposal is not possible because, of non-subbed directors etc.

But I don't know what thinks about the other proposal. Ben just msgd me he just came back from a trip.

At least....we have it ready, before another newbie asks in the newbie msg board....why should I subscribe. It is only a matter of time.

I am half way tempted to post it each time a non-subbed newbie asks "Looking for an agency to join?" It may just convince them, why it well worth the cash. :)


May-30-2005 15:36

I'm not sure how difficult it would be, but wouldnt it be possible to set it so that any subscribed detectives or agency directors could post. I mean, I like the read only idea. I cant count the number of times i've told detectives they need to be subscribed (even though it says it at the top of the page). It would definitely merit some thought, dont you think?

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