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Why did you pick your detective name?
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May-26-2005 05:26
(sticky post)

Some of us have interesting reasons to pick a detective name. What is yours?

jstkdn which some people don't realize right away stands for JuST KiDding! It is something I tend to say a lot in real life after a lot of sentences. A good friend of mine in the US had jstkdn as a license plate of her car, so I wasn't that inventive myself.

My previous other agent was PM, which stands for Project/Program Manager, my profession in real life.

My only detective that I currently play with is freelancermountaineer. Only because Freelancer was taken. Sidney Bristow in the Alias series uses two call signs freelancer and mountaineer.



Aug-7-2005 18:11

I choose my name because um, the other names I had lost as a detective.

I usually use this for video games like halo. (hence the war like nuclear part)

Annabelle Lee
Annabelle Lee

Aug-8-2005 11:28

Annabelle is my cat's name, but it was taken, so I went with the Edgar Allen Poe Poem instead

William H Welch
William H Welch

Aug-8-2005 12:34

im boring its my real name... i woulda used pierced white trzsh but i dont think the mods woulda cared much for it

mackenzie robbin
mackenzie robbin

Aug-8-2005 16:43

I have always enjoy the name Mackenzie and just tried to think of something to go with it. Robbins came to me but then I was fired for to many false acusations:( so I became Mackenzie Robbin.


Aug-8-2005 17:35

William.....can we call you Billy? :)

Mickey Sticks
Mickey Sticks

Aug-8-2005 20:08

Well, my first name is Michael and my grandfather (Percy [also, my faithful manservant]) was called Mick when he was alive (when he was little, he couldn't say Ice Cream, so he used to say "Lick". My great grandparents used to say "Wanna lick, Mick?" and it stuck)
My grandmother used to call me MickeyJimJon (the short versions of all my names, Michael James Jonathan).
The Sticks part is my real nickname. I was so dubbed because (for those of you that are old enough to remember) Stretch jeans used to be quite the rage. My oh-so-slender legs do not look so good in them. Thus, someone decided that Sticks was appropriate! *grin*

so there you are.

Dionne Dawson
Dionne Dawson

Aug-9-2005 00:23

The name of my first detective on this game was part of the name i got on the starsky and hutch pimp name generator. LOL!
But that one got retired quickly (didnt know Shady yet), so i created my 2 current detectives. No specific reason for giving them their names.

Luniar Arkain
Luniar Arkain

Aug-9-2005 22:56

I feel like I've replied to this topic, but I didn't see my name, soooo...

Luniar Arkain is the name of my detective RP character. Kogoro and Conan were the inspiration to create the character, but the name was completely me.

gray eyes
gray eyes

Aug-10-2005 00:17

my name for this detective is because i have grey eyes and couldn't think of anything else but i, loving this site and not getting enough, have another detective named "eye spy"-not after the agency here but because my friends tease me about being an csi cop.


Aug-10-2005 09:18

No real reason, except I liked it. Now if only I can be the best "best-i," I can be, ha!

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