Why did you pick your detective name?
May-26-2005 05:26
(sticky post)
Some of us have interesting reasons to pick a detective name. What is yours?
jstkdn which some people don't realize right away stands for JuST KiDding! It is something I tend to say a lot in real life after a lot of sentences. A good friend of mine in the US had jstkdn as a license plate of her car, so I wasn't that inventive myself.
My previous other agent was PM, which stands for Project/Program Manager, my profession in real life.
My only detective that I currently play with is freelancermountaineer. Only because Freelancer was taken. Sidney Bristow in the Alias series uses two call signs freelancer and mountaineer.
Replies |
Mar-26-2009 11:27
La Sorella stands for " The Sister" in italian.
I refer to it as a sister in the Christian world (no, I am not a nun)! "La Hermana" in Spanish.
Sara Buxton
Mar-26-2009 13:01
I have no idea why I picked my name. It's not my real name, or anyone I know, or a charecter in a book I've read...
Why did I pick my name?
*scratches head*
Joseph Zeo
Tale Spinner
Apr-3-2009 02:31
I started off in Shades of Mystery, and i had trouble because all the names i wanted to use were always picked. I experimented with jo00, and ended up using it. I then started writing on the RP stage (got quite addicted to it, i must say). jo00 doesn't fly, and derived Jo-seph Zeo (as in Zero - 00), hey, at least it's catchy... a little bit...
When i came to Noir from Shades, i used the name. It resembles nothing in my RL, except the jo part which is part of my nick name for like, forever. LOL.
Valentina D'Angeli
May-11-2009 00:14
Valentina D'Angeli is a character in one of my short stories.
She's a 400 year-old vampire, and I really like both her and her name.
Joseph Zeo
Tale Spinner
May-23-2009 01:09
I think that's a beautiful name :)
Lolita Marinez
Sleuth About Town
May-23-2009 07:29
I was in an exotic mood that night and Lolita sounded exotic and exciting and starts with the first letter of my name too. Then I was scratching my head over a surname for my detective when Mr 14 popped in to see what I was doing and he came up with Marinez. So basically something that Mr 14 and I cooked up out of thin air :-)
Clint Forthwright
Old Shoe
Jun-15-2009 12:59
The name chose me.
Jul-5-2009 17:21
i got my detective's picture and qualities before i named her. She had to have a name that suited her style. :)
Encyclopedia Zero
Jul-30-2009 18:08
It's a combination of a friend's old role-playing character called Encyclopedia Zorn, who was a strange FBI-agent in sun-glasses and hawaii-shirt, and Bill Pullman's character Daryl Zero from the movie "Zero Effect" - one of my favourite Private Investigator movies.
Misouri Snape
Aug-16-2009 12:48
Mine is Misouri because it's a beautiful state. And Snape because, well, I'm in love with Professor Snape from Harry Potter, :) he he hehe :)