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Old Shoe

Apr-19-2005 17:04

The Catholic Church now has a new pope!

Congrats to our new pope: Pope Benedict XVI!

He is 78, one of the oldest popes, and is from Germany. His name is Joseph Ratzinger.

(Latin for: We have a pope!)


Lady Grey
Lady Grey

Apr-29-2005 15:29

Thankyou Reverend, while I don't completely agree or disagree with your faith I enjoyed talking about it and learnt a little bit I didn't know before.
I was careful to phrase my quote in a none degoratory fashion and at know point personally insulted anyone, unlike a certain other gentleman. I would consider a comment about the pope that is not enthusiastically joyous in a post about the pope to be relevant.
I could have raised the point that not all popes were nice people. For example in 15th century Italy the Pope was in fact enthrone just outside Milan because Rome was occupied by rebels. It was considered perfectly acceptable for him to hire a troop of mercenaries to retake Rome with Land Grants and then, after they were paid, declare them heretic and forfeit all their lands and goods to the church.

Lady Grey
Lady Grey

Apr-29-2005 15:36

Incidentally: Check out a Papal fan site.
It is quite an informative site

Old Shoe

Apr-30-2005 13:01

Ok, I will try to clear up a few things about this topic and then ask that no one post in this thread anymore. Thanks.

1. Blaise, I had another post besides the one that got posted written. I decided to refrain from posting it to not hurt feelings like people did to some people.

2. This thread was made to NOT talk about doctrine, morals, or anything of the sort! I made it to congratulate the Catholic Church and its members. NOTHING ELSE! A select few turned it into what it should not have been.

John Hale
John Hale
Yarn Weaver

Apr-30-2005 13:44

Jojo, creating a post is the same as introducing a topic for conversation. It is the electronic equivalent, in fact. Everyone here has kept it civil and shared a great deal of information and belief. When you introduce a topic, any topic, that is all you can hope for. A simple, tight focus for a conversation that is this big...and on a worldwide forum, is simply not going to happen. This should not surprise you.

When I created the riddle thread, for instance, people shared on the topic by posting riddles. That was what was appropriate, as they are games. Here, the topic was a public figure, Pope Benedict XVI, and people shared information and views about him and the faith he now officially represents. This is what a message board is for, public discussion over large distances.

One last point (and if this offends, I apologize in advance) this conversation has allowed a civil discussion between Christians of several different denominations. Given the natural tendency for discussions like these to turn ugly, this is a minor miracle. Good show, all.

Old Shoe

Apr-30-2005 15:41

Wow Lady grey that is a great site to get info. Not slanted opinons. I figure if you going to learn about chevy cars don't ask a ford guy, do to the source and this source is very straight forward. Thanks!

Old Shoe

Apr-30-2005 15:43

Sorry Isha. This and the last comment were totally REVEREND. Don't you hate mess ups like that!

Lady Grey
Lady Grey

Apr-30-2005 15:47

It goes to show, I always look at both sides of an argument and never act without considering how others will react. That does not mean I won't act even though other peoples feeling may be hurt, it just means I think first.

Blaise Joshua
Blaise Joshua

Apr-30-2005 17:16

Well, if nothing else, I'm sure we've all learned something from this highly informative thread : o )


May-1-2005 03:44

Jojo.....I can understand that you find this conversation went off topic, as you originally intended it. But many posts do. :) And I can understand your disappointment that it did.

I am with John Hale, whom in my opinion seems to be almost always right on target, as a voice of reason. :) Jojo posting this thread, lead to a natural response.

Instead of getting bothered about a post going off topic, and if that should be allowed or not. I think that we should look at it as an opportunity. I think most people in here have shown a lot of maturity. In stating their opinion, without forcing theirs on someone else, or calling someone else an idiot for having a different opinion. No one has taken a bomb or a gun out yet either. In that sense we are already one step up.

This is exactly why people should not be silenced *on either side of the opinion*, particularly in the mature discussion that has been going on here. If only cheers would be allowed in here, the people that are not cheering would have to sit back and take it. This is normal in some societies. I for one am glad to be part of that of the world, where my ancestors have fought and died for freedom of speech!

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