Research or Lock Pick?
Old Shoe
Jun-16-2004 10:08
Which is better and more useful? Research or lock picking?
Replies |
Jun-16-2004 10:11
They're both useful. Research clears one person with a fake alibi or no alibi of suspicion, so you have fewer suspects. Lock Picking enables you to go in someone's house when they're not home, and either get their alibi or a list of people they think have a motive. (Since you're Very Charming, I would recommend that you get Lock Picking and then focus on the Charm skills, or even try to get the Charm skills first.)
Old Shoe
Jun-16-2004 10:18
Old Shoe
Jun-16-2004 10:31
Thanks a lot! I just did a case, and lock picking let me know someone's aliby and motives of 5 more people! Thanks!
Jun-16-2004 10:33
Glad it helped. :)
Old Shoe
Jun-16-2004 14:39
People are really nice here.
james lee
Jun-20-2004 07:25
most people, wayne said he's a bore, that's an animal, right?
Old Shoe
Jun-20-2004 11:08
No. Boar is an animal. I'm not sure what bore is.
Jun-20-2004 11:23
A bore is someone who's boring. :)
Old Shoe
Jun-20-2004 18:09
Oh. Thank you for clarifying that.
Elizabeth Arden
Jun-20-2004 18:31
So.. Which is Wayne? A bore or a boar? Let's take a vote.
I bet he's the animal! *winks and then laughs*