Feb-15-2005 21:15
I've had this idea before, but the recent exploits of TAKKDD have solidified my idea that it might actually be possible: The First Annual Sleuth Convention. Why not?
The ideal place would, of course, be the mecca of it all--Boulder, Colorado. But if Ben & Sunny don't want all the hoopla so close to home, anywhere else would be fine as well. We could plan it a few months out so that people have time to plan up & save for airfare, etc. Those who are interested can come and meet those they know (and don't know) from Sleuth.
Want even more fun? What if everyone dressed up like a character from Sleuth (your character, the butcher, the lady with the magnifying glass, Larry the Toe, etc)?
Would anyone besides me & Moonshh be interested? Or is this a totally lame idea?
Replies |
Feb-16-2005 17:31
erm--New York City. You know, where the salsa is made?
Feb-16-2005 17:45
Sure Orbitrux. I think the most important thing is A LOT of notice like 8-10 months ahead you communicate the date and start polling for locations.
For some reason, I don't think you can guarantee a BIG gathering, until at least of a lot of small gatherings take place. That are easy to coordinate. The "Detective X, is coming to see me, anyone wants to join?" We had gatherings that 5-10 people easily would show up. Find out where everybody is, and invite them first.
And then meanwhile organize a BIG get together, spring 2006, in NYC. People can save time, and holidays. You will find many people let their decision depend to spend the time and cash, if people are going that they met before, or they are close to. We had a community to which at about 120 actual people whom posted (other were lurkers), during ExtravaGANza's 40-60 would show up. The majority from the US and Canada, but also people from Sweden, England, The Netherlands. A lot of people made sure that their holiday in the US, was combined with the gathering.
What you have to keep in mind. Setting something like this up in terms of time and location. It can get quite political. Some people would push, to have it be in their barn, in North Dakota, in the middle of winter. You will end up disappointing people. Voting is key, based on a small selection of cities. The time just needs to be picked strategically, Spring will be the best option in terms of weather, airline and hotel costs etc.
My advise for now is. Organize your Underground party, post that anyone is welcome. And you may be surprised. Or better, organize a local party. Like in your house, and then say anyone is welcome.
In any case. If anyone ever travels to Amsterdam, pop me a note. Same way as Ben and Sunny did. "Hey we are coming to Amsterdam this year, will you be around?" Or as I did this weekend "Hey, anyone wants to meet me in DC?"
Feb-16-2005 21:36
I like the idea. Hopefully I will be able to travel in a couple of months time (hip surgery March 11) and I would love to go where ever you decide.
Keep the ball rolling and see how far you can get.
Lady of Shadows
Feb-16-2005 22:20
i'll vote for seattle.
Feb-16-2005 22:22
Yay! Seattle! A nice big city, but not so crowded as NYC.......more votes for Seattle? I'll help!
Old Shoe
Feb-17-2005 00:13
I would love to visit Seattle...best coffee in the world, too.
Feb-17-2005 20:15
i might be able to go to colorado over spring break, if i can swing by boulder, i'll make sure to give ben a holler
Feb-17-2005 20:17
and as for a place, i'd like to go with a place with some sun like florida, everybody can meet on the beach in miami or orlando or tampa, new orleans in louisiana wouldnt be half bad either
Feb-17-2005 20:38
I just bought 5 new pair of Summer shoes! I will go any where just to have a place to wear them. :P Sun sounds nice though JLee!
Feb-17-2005 22:20
Okay, I still vote for Seattle.....but if it has to be sunny, can it be San Diego so I can see my sleuth crush?
(Remember Paxton's Sweetheart?)