When suspects clam up
Feb-15-2005 10:16
Is there any way to get a suspect who has clammed up to talk some more?
Replies |
Kara Duke
Feb-15-2005 13:14
Only if the computer gives you an option to do something else. At least in my line of experience. Yeah, though sometimes it can be a real pain.
Feb-15-2005 14:16
not after using your skill.
Feb-15-2005 14:16
the abilities of sweet talking or interrogation help wtih suspects. ti is good to get one of them but not both because that is a waste.
Feb-15-2005 15:27
Or, if you subscribe and join an agency, they can sometimes help. :)
Feb-15-2005 22:49
I don't think having both is a waste, I use both toughness & charm on ridiculously hard cases. But if you're just starting out in the game and are building your character, I do recommend that you get all the charm or all the toughness skills before starting to acquire the other. That way, at least you'll have advanced interviewing skills in one area.
Silly Mick
Feb-15-2005 23:21
If you're in an agency, you can store the case in the case files, and ask other agency members to open it. Once they open it, a number of the suspects may "unclam." Other than that, once they're clammed, they're clammed.
Feb-17-2005 00:40
If you store a case in an agency, only the first person to open it has a chance of unclamming a suspect. If that person is unable to, stores the case again, and a third person opens the case there's no way that third person will be able to unclam the suspect.
Feb-17-2005 01:16
Well, there is /one/ way. But only about six people in the game can do it. We've been deliberately vague about it, so that's already too big a hint...