losing points on the
Sam the Rose
Old Shoe
Feb-9-2005 02:14
Replies |
Sam the Rose
Old Shoe
Feb-9-2005 02:17
sorry about that. slip of the pinky onto the "enter" key.
I didn't play for a few days and my standing/points with DA brotherhood went down.
I thought that feature was eliminated a few months ago.
I did I miss something or misunderstand how this works??
Feb-9-2005 02:24
Well, the higher your points are, the faster it goes down. Even if just for a few days.
Feb-9-2005 07:46
But you won't go below 10 so you should keep your good standing with the faction. But Ben readjusted how fast the highest standings lose points every day to give other folks a chance to get to top standing.
Feb-9-2005 09:19
okay, I get it now.
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner
Feb-9-2005 09:49
Yes, the system was adjusted recently to cause increase the political decay rate for people with really high standings and for the current leader in each faction. Those changes were to make it harder to hold onto the lead position once you get it. And, it seems to be working, as there has been a lot more turnover in those spots.
The reason the system exists at all is to make it possible for newer detectives to become competitive for those leader positions. Otherwise, you'd be trying to catch up with Kay (11 months old) and jstkdn (10 months old) who would have factional standing in the thousands by now.
As an added bonus, the system makes it more reasonable for somebody who wants to change factions to do so, since natural decay will do much of the work, over time.
Feb-9-2005 13:01
Oh great....now everybody knows how OLD I actually am. I have been going around telling everyone that I was 6 months old. :) :) :)
Old Shoe
Feb-9-2005 13:14
Don't worry, sweetie, you don't look a day over 4 months!
Feb-9-2005 13:17
Yes, I keep getting carded.
Old Shoe
Feb-9-2005 13:46
A day over 4? Heck! I'm nearly 8 monthes!
Feb-11-2005 02:23
And I should be in retierment home then...