Further Fixes and Adjustments
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur
Jun-23-2017 08:06
I've been caught up with trying to get the promised mobile update completed (extremely time consuming), and haven't been able to tackle other bugs and issues as fast as I would like. However, in between that I have managed to get these things done:
1. I've overhauled the back end of the helter skelter. The hope is that this'll stop people getting kicked off half way down!
2. The daily pet update has been moved significantly closer to the daily turn over.
3. There was a bug with trying to use surveillance a second time if you had a pet. This has been fixed. Further to this your pet will now learn more smarts from a successful use of surveillance than an unsuccessful one.
4. Pets will now learn smarts from a successful use of the research skill. The hope is that this change and the previous one will make it easier for a pet to gain smarts points.
5. In light of the delay between espionage uses, the espionage nemesis task now just needs two uses of espionage to be a success.
6. Pets can now be groomed on the ship.
7. Various typo fixes. For example, there is now a full stop on the final screen of the roller coaster when outside of a Furore. Doesn't just reading that make you feel less stressed out?
Replies |
Jun-25-2017 11:07
might or might not have been done on purpose :'D
Old Shoe
Jun-25-2017 22:40
When I finished the furore and clicked on the horse I was suppose to ride it kicked me back to the login page. When I logged back on, it wouldn't let me ride the horse.
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur
Jun-26-2017 01:31
It looks like you still finished two Furores yesterday Aspen. Perhaps there was a double click or something?
shell marple
Con Artist
Jun-26-2017 13:36
I just went to leave the boardwalk after the last Furore, I retrieved my item from Johnny and hopped on the seaplane. I received the message welcome to the battery boardwalk. I am now in NY. I don't care, but the city I left on the seaplane to get to the boardwalk was London.
Also I was kicked to the log in page when I rode my carousel horse. I did get my rings though.
Safety Officer
Jun-27-2017 20:21
"I just went to leave the boardwalk after the last Furore, I retrieved my item from Johnny and hopped on the seaplane. I received the message welcome to the battery boardwalk. I am now in NY. I don't care, but the city I left on the seaplane to get to the boardwalk was London. "
This reads like the memoir of a LSD-riddled 60's musician. :) :)
shell marple
Con Artist
Jun-28-2017 07:57
Umm, how'd you guess.
shell marple
Con Artist
Jun-28-2017 08:35
The not so drug induced bug report.( I hope)
I was in London when I received my furore ticket. Traveled on the seaplane to the boardwalk.
Deposited an item with Johnny so I could waste my hard earned cash on cotton candy.
Went to ride my pony on the carousel and found myself at the login page.
Logged back in and checked to see if I received my rings. No problem with that.
Went to chat at the fountain for a little while.
Collected my item, and went to the gate.
Boarded the seaplane, and ended up being welcomed to the Battery Boardwalk.
I could not then get back on the Seaplane, I had to go through the gates to NY.
I'm pretty sure that is yet another gremlin playing at the boardwalk.
*Reaches in her purse for a mushroom*
Villains' Scourge
Jun-28-2017 21:40
I had a problem in my last furore - I couldn't do any trades with one player. That little pop up window that's supposed to show what clues the player wants didn't open properly - I couldn't see the clues. All offers from him were like that and I wasn't able to do any trades at all with him. I could trade with the bots normally.
Same thing happened before but today I noticed that all offers from only one player were broken.
Jul-8-2017 13:32
When the clues have been redistributed and I get a clue, should they be clues that I don't already have? I picked up 3 clues that I already had and not ones that I didn't have
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur
Jul-8-2017 13:38
It's perfectly possible to pick up repeats Dream. All that means is that someone else needed the clues you picked up.