Further Fixes and Adjustments
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur
Jun-23-2017 08:06
I've been caught up with trying to get the promised mobile update completed (extremely time consuming), and haven't been able to tackle other bugs and issues as fast as I would like. However, in between that I have managed to get these things done:
1. I've overhauled the back end of the helter skelter. The hope is that this'll stop people getting kicked off half way down!
2. The daily pet update has been moved significantly closer to the daily turn over.
3. There was a bug with trying to use surveillance a second time if you had a pet. This has been fixed. Further to this your pet will now learn more smarts from a successful use of surveillance than an unsuccessful one.
4. Pets will now learn smarts from a successful use of the research skill. The hope is that this change and the previous one will make it easier for a pet to gain smarts points.
5. In light of the delay between espionage uses, the espionage nemesis task now just needs two uses of espionage to be a success.
6. Pets can now be groomed on the ship.
7. Various typo fixes. For example, there is now a full stop on the final screen of the roller coaster when outside of a Furore. Doesn't just reading that make you feel less stressed out?
Replies |
Bela Talbot III
Con Artist
Jun-23-2017 09:19
*heads straight for the Roller Coaster*
It's great! XD
Thank you Yeti! I hadn't realised the surveillance bug only reared its ugly head if you had a pet, I thought I'd seen it before my pet days too but it's gone now at any rate.
Does the text that appears when your pet observes you using your skillz appear on the Research page as well?
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur
Jun-23-2017 09:30
Much less stressful. ;-)
Yes that's right, the pet text appears. Give it a go!
Con Artist
Jun-23-2017 09:40
Thank you Yeti! Maybe now I'll quit pestering you. ;)
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur
Jun-23-2017 10:19
Looks like the Helter Skelter is BROKEN outside of a Furore, but is functioning during a Furore. So that's another successful fix then.
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur
Jun-23-2017 10:39
Helter Skelter looks like it's working outside of Furores now, so here's to hoping it still works in Furores too!
miss snopes
Jun-23-2017 12:12
Thank you Yeti! I guess I should move my smart outfit to the front of my closet and train Trixie right.
Ooh, it will be nice to ride the Helter Skelter without worries of road rash too!
Washed Up Punter
Jun-23-2017 12:49
I'm getting a graduation cap ready for Ser Pent!
miss snopes
Jun-23-2017 13:38
I don't think the Helter Skelter worked inside the Furore on this last one. I got kicked out 3 times in a row at the first redistribution and lost my cotton candy each time to boot! Of course, Johnni was super happy!
Sultry De Mon
Con Artist
Jun-23-2017 13:44
And I had no problems on the slide during the match.
*Kisses Yeti on the check*
Thanks for the fix for unsubbed players.
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur
Jun-23-2017 16:36
How far down the helter skelter did you get before it kicked you out miss snopes?
Ser Pent will look AMAZING in a graduation cap.
You're welcome, Sultry. :-)