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Bug and Typo Fixes
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Yeti Face
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur

Sep-15-2016 16:11

We've deployed something of a bug bashing update. One should no longer get those weird cases that lock down one's contacts despite not getting the nemesis twist (this tended to be particularly apparent on the ship). In addition all cities should now, finally, have the same chance of pulling a nemesis twist so there's no need to be stuck in Cairo unless you like it that way.

The way that taking multiple items out of an agency locker is handled by the game itself has been changed, I hope the locker ghost that haunts taking out multiple items at once has at least been somewhat subdued - please let me know if that one strikes again. I haven't done anything about the apartment locker ghost, so that remains at large and dangerous.

Finally a bunch of typos have been corrected, spotting these is probably a job for Riza Hawkeye and Bela Talbot as it tended to be their diligent work that alerted me to the typos in the first place. If you do spot any bugs or typos please do make a report, as I do get around to them eventually.


Ellie Cushion
Ellie Cushion
Pinball Pro

Sep-16-2016 13:05

Both ellie and dream had the urchin appear, both cases were solved and both of the missiins are the same, to answer 10 little question jobs, is this coincidence that they are the same?

Yeti Face
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur

Sep-16-2016 13:09

Yeah, I'd pin it on coincidence unless lots of people report it.

Keira Ann
Keira Ann

Sep-16-2016 20:04

I just got the urchin on a favor case. And in addition, I already had a task I am working on. So now I have 2 nemesis tasks at the same time.

Safety Officer

Sep-16-2016 22:12

hmm what did someone say to me about fixing one thing and then seeing how many other things break :)

Yeti Face
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur

Sep-17-2016 00:52

"I'm confident about the update, Ben," I said.


Sep-17-2016 03:49

Oh boy... Guess who's gonna need some coffee to pull through de-bugging the bug patch :)


Sep-17-2016 06:00

Jesus, so many twists. I hated them before, but now.... Ugh


Sep-17-2016 10:33

^ but the twist I need doesn't want to show up *sigh* - story of my life. Ah well, tomorrow's a new day :)


Sep-17-2016 12:34

Larry is a no-show, indeed.

Whitney Leah
Whitney Leah

Sep-17-2016 13:30

Speaking of bugs, the game works fine on my cell phones browser, but I can't read Sleuth mail on my phone. I can get to my inbox and open a message, but then I can only see the name of who sent the message and part of the first line of the message.

Tis strange.

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