Sleuth Olympics Fourth Week's Activities
Pinball Amateur
Aug-23-2016 23:44
There will be 4 activities this week. All events start on Thursday, August 25, at 12:00 AM, SST. Good luck. ;-)
1. Sleuthetania Scavenger Hunt - All team members will board the Sleuthetania and hunt for a list of items that will be provided to them on the Sleuth Talk boards Thursday morning. As with the other hunts, once a team member has found the first item on the list, stored the item to the Agency locker, and sent a screenshot or copy/paste of the reward page to Riza, team members may proceed to look for the next item on the list. The team with the most items found gets 10 points. Team with the second highest amount found gets 7. Third gets 5. Fourth gets 3. PLEASE REMEMBER: Once you are on the boat, you CANNOT access your Agency, so clean out your locker before you board the ship. Riza will be expecting a screenshot of each team's locker before Thursday.
All teams may do a MAXIMUM of *TWO* trips on the Sleuthetania. You have until Wednesday, August 31, 11:59 PM, SST, to complete this activity.
2. Journal Pages Hunt - While on the boat, all members will do a hunt for Journal Pages. We have recorded each person's current collected Journal Pages. On Thursday, September 1, around 12:00 AM, SST, we will again compile a list of everyone's collected Journal Pages. All participating players get 3 points (this means you have to collect at least ONE Journal Page to get the participation points). The player with the most Journal Pages collected gets 10 points. Player with the second most Pages collected gets 7 points. Player with the third most Pages collected gets 5 points. Player with the fourth most collected Pages gets 3 points. And yes, there can be more than one point winner on the same team.
3. Introduction Creation Contest - Each team will create and submit TWO intros. One MUST be set on the Sleuthetania, and have a nautical theme. The second MUST have an Olympic theme of some kind. Spelling and grammar will be taken into account.
Replies |
Murray Arty
Sep-1-2016 03:24
No more nuts for you squirrel
Sep-1-2016 10:33
Some appropriate entertainment while we await the results.
Sep-1-2016 13:57
Intros are usually in the beginning. In these case they're at the end. The irony!
Sultry De Mon
Con Artist
Sep-1-2016 14:04
Might as well share Vulkies current playlist while judging our intros
Sultry De Mon
Con Artist
Sep-1-2016 14:09
And this is especially for you BadAss
Sep-1-2016 14:22
:) You'll never see the stars when you're looking down.
Sleuth Sindy
Pinball Wizard
Sep-1-2016 15:19
I have a picture in my head of our judges sitting in a virtual break room somewhere with their feet propped up on a table littered with nut shells, popcorn and our intros watching the game of thrones. The squirrel is sitting propped up on a stack of chairs holding a long Island tea and a remote control as big as he is and shouting "Three points for Daenerys!" every time she appears nude on screen. The others have to keep reminding him she's not a contestant.
Sleuth Sindy
Pinball Wizard
Sep-1-2016 15:29
sitting propped up on a stack of *books*
Sep-1-2016 15:37
Well, I'm glad I didn't get mentioned in this little picture of your head Sindy. That'll be some deduction points for you and no ice cream :) (just kidding! ... or am I? :) )
Nah, just kidding. I think we'll have the results either tomorrow or on Saturday. It all depends on our furry rodent for now :)
Sep-1-2016 15:47
https://youtu.be/IbxMy9T49fM?t=3m5s - my response when I read Sindy's comment (first 4/5 seconds only)