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Sleuth Olympics
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Pinball Amateur

Jun-27-2016 17:56

In just under six weeks, the 31st Summer Olympics and the 15th Paralympics will occur in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Athletes from over 190 countries around the world will gather to compete in some 35 different overall sports over a period of about 3 weeks.

Many people have commented recently that they would like to see some more activities taking place here on Sleuth. A few of us creatively evil types were wondering if we put together a series of activities for people, would y'all be interested??

We are looking for at least 8-12 people, of all experience levels; both hunters (treasure, casework, and Arch Villain) and writers will be needed. People will be competing in a team format. We're probably looking at Subbed players for now, but we're working on having at least two activities (not necessarily part of the teams, but supplemental to them) that will be exclusive to UNSUBBED players. All of these activities will have an Olympics theme.

So. Any takers?? ;-)

Please let us know below.

Thank you!!


Pinball Amateur

Jul-2-2016 00:09

Right now, the tentative start date for the Sleuth Olympics is Sunday, July 31. The Olympics will tentatively close on Thursday, September 1. Hope that will do for a schedule, Sultry?? ;-)

Keep the sign-ups coming, everyone!! ;-D

For those that have already signed on, start getting your gray cells working on team names and logos and so forth, and building up the bank accounts (this is a month-long contest; you're gonna be spending some money along the way ;-).

UNSUBBEDS, we're still looking for you!! If you don't sign up, you can't be a part of this. And we've worked *VERY* hard to include you guys. So c'mon!! Sign yer X's here.

Thank you, everyone, for taking part!! ;-D

Con Artist

Jul-2-2016 03:22

What size teams should we expect Breitkat? I'm sure that will depend a bit on how many participants we have, but could we get a general idea? Like 2? Or 6?

Pinball Amateur

Jul-2-2016 12:35

More towards the 4 to 6 side of the scale. ;-)


Sultry De Mon
Sultry De Mon
Con Artist

Jul-3-2016 09:16

That time frame will work for me. Count me in.


Jul-3-2016 12:19

I won't be in town from August 4th to August 7th and won't have access to a computer during this time. Will this cause a problem?

Pinball Amateur

Jul-4-2016 00:03

I wouldn't think so, no. I would think you can either sit out whatever event is going on at that particular time, or you can ask one of your teammates to log on for you and do any casework that needs to be done for you. The question is, is that acceptable to you??



Jul-4-2016 10:17

Ok, I can sit out an event if that would be acceptable to my teammates. As for someone logging on for me, no offence here, but password sharing is not something I do, sorry.

Con Artist

Jul-4-2016 11:00

Étaín, you don't have to apologize for that. That is a personal decision every detective has to make for themselves. They should never be forced to share passwords. Everyone plays their own way. I know it's none of my business, but I just wanted to say that's nothing to apologize for. Anyone who feels differently can go stuff themselves. Choice of stuffing and location it is stuffed is, again, theirs. ;)


Jul-4-2016 12:06

Do we really need teams since we have such a small number of players?

Con Artist

Jul-4-2016 13:35

Maybe not badass. But there could be more people who sign up at which point it could be handy. But at these numbers, it looks like there may be two teams, maybe a few singles left over. It might be better to do pairs of trios.

I mean part of the fun of the Olympics is that while there are teams, it's still individual (excepting certain sports of course.) So you have cooperation but with a healthy dose of competition too. Co-opetition as Darrell Waltrip calls it.

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