Sleuth Olympics
Pinball Amateur
Jun-27-2016 17:56
In just under six weeks, the 31st Summer Olympics and the 15th Paralympics will occur in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Athletes from over 190 countries around the world will gather to compete in some 35 different overall sports over a period of about 3 weeks.
Many people have commented recently that they would like to see some more activities taking place here on Sleuth. A few of us creatively evil types were wondering if we put together a series of activities for people, would y'all be interested??
We are looking for at least 8-12 people, of all experience levels; both hunters (treasure, casework, and Arch Villain) and writers will be needed. People will be competing in a team format. We're probably looking at Subbed players for now, but we're working on having at least two activities (not necessarily part of the teams, but supplemental to them) that will be exclusive to UNSUBBED players. All of these activities will have an Olympics theme.
So. Any takers?? ;-)
Please let us know below.
Thank you!!
Replies |
Jun-28-2016 07:21
I'll give it a try :-)
Jun-28-2016 09:53
Don't know exactly what I'm signing in for but you can puck me too ;)
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Jun-28-2016 09:54
Oh, H -E- Double hockey sticks, puck me too ;)
Pinball Amateur
Jun-28-2016 13:10
Okay, we've got the minimum. Keep it up, please!! The more people we have, the more fun it will be, and the more things we can do!! ;-D
Thank you!! ;-D ;-D ;-D
Con Artist
Jun-28-2016 14:07
Lmao. Guys thanks for making me laugh and feel better about my typo. And yes Breit, that'll do. *puts on the voice of the old guy from the movie Babe* "That'll do, pig. That'll do."
Con Artist
Jun-28-2016 15:14
Also, just a side note. From what I've been seeing on the news, it looks like this Olympics will be better planned and safer than the stuff down Rio way. If anyone lives there or is going to watch, be safe!
Here's an article about what I'm referring to: https://www.rt.com/news/348645-brazil-rio-olympics-police-protest/
Sultry De Mon
Con Artist
Jun-30-2016 08:44
I can't make a solid commitment until I know the dates, but if I'm available I'll play.
Mortimer Maze
Old Shoe
Jul-1-2016 10:04
hey, don't forget about me!
Sleuth Sindy
Pinball Wizard
Jul-1-2016 16:57
Hey, I'm a glutton for punishment. Count me in.
Con Artist
Jul-1-2016 18:25
Oh this looks like it's going to be fun! Yay! Thank you Breit for coming up with this! I'm sure you've had helpers, so thank you to them as well!