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Offensive Character Names
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Old Shoe

Jan-12-2005 13:49

Is there any way to have character names reviewed before approval? I saw one today that I actually had to look twice at- there seem to be a rash of crude, vulgar, and offensive names lately and I know it would mean hard work for Ben, but maybe we could have some Mods do it? I would volunteer, if it would mean that I don't have to see names that my mother would have washed my mouth out with soap for saying (and still probably would!)


Old Shoe

Jan-12-2005 19:04

You'll love it here!


Jan-12-2005 19:04

lol,I guess it could be.......just noticed the time and dates of the postings.

Maybe after a few cases my skills will improve.


Jan-12-2005 19:06

Thanks guys,hope to work with you's one day


Jan-12-2005 19:18

Your skills will improve, hang in there, if you have questions just go to the newbie board. Many answers are already answered there.

Skyler Michaels
Skyler Michaels

Jan-14-2005 11:54

I've seen some pretty bad names out there to.

Detective Smart Ass
Detective Smart Ass

Jan-14-2005 12:15

jstkdn, Are you talkin' bout me? ;)

Old Shoe

Jan-14-2005 12:21

SA- you know that I wasn't meaning you when I started this thread that got so sidetracked! I just happened to see a character named f**kup and I really thought that was too much. Had to say something.

Detective Smart Ass
Detective Smart Ass

Jan-14-2005 15:42

I was just kidding woman, lol. I'll try not to be such a smart ass anymore.

Madame TBird
Madame TBird

Jan-18-2005 07:20

I agree that there should be some restrictions on vulgar & offensive names. If a person is allowed to use an uncouth name, what is to stop someone from using a racist name too?


Jan-18-2005 08:59

I think it's a shame there are people who choose to allocate inapropriate names to their character and agree that in an ideal world restrictions could be put in place to prevent this.

However, this is a multicultural gaming society and words which are perfectly acceptable in one country/race/society can be increadably offensive in another. In view of this, placing restrictions on what is and isn't acceptable could potentially become an ethical nightmare.

Although not an ideal solution (& appologies if it has already been raised and rejected) but if it were possible to change the name of your detective those whom are offended could PM the offender requesting them to change their name (explaining why of course). I'm sure most people would oblige.

Of course this system relies on the goodness of human nature and as such is not perfect. But in view of the diversity of opinions and beliefs held by players is probabally the least antagonistic solution available (in my opinion).

(Now, I have been known to be wrong and am quite prepared to accept that I'm wrong in this case, just...... be gentle with me please!)

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