Back End Update - 27/03
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur
Mar-27-2016 03:12
We've done some work on the back end of the game, particularly in relation to when suspects are accused at the end of a case. As Sleuthers you shouldn't notice any differences, but oversights do happen, as well you all know from past updates. Please let me know if you spot anything, either here or via SMail. Thank you.
Replies |
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner
Mar-28-2016 15:58
Ok, I just pushed up Yeti's latest fixes. For those of you getting an error when trying to accuse, please try again.
Thanks for your patience with this. And thanks Yeti for the timely fixes!
Mar-28-2016 18:21
I still facing problems to accuse on favours... Had to quit once again...
Mar-28-2016 18:22
Yeti, IDK really...
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur
Mar-28-2016 23:55
I really thought all favours should be all right now. I'll keep looking.
Sal Iva
Little Monster
Mar-29-2016 00:10
Just passed changeover and my case still kicks me back to log in page.
G Cherone
Mar-29-2016 00:11
Hello there...I have this problem on an AI regular case. I think the twist was Pansy Drew. Maybe we can have a prize for whoever unlocks the secrets of the mysterious unfortunate bug ;)
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur
Mar-29-2016 00:23
That's your Nemesis case, Sal? I've just run five Nemesis cases on my end, and they've all gone fine. So I've no idea what's causing your issue in particular. I'll keep looking, and I'm sorry you're still experiencing issues.
Hey G Cherone. Unfortunately there appear to be a lot of bugs. Frankly this update is buggier than an ant farm, and less well contained. Thanks for your help.
G Cherone
Mar-29-2016 00:24
Searching the scene, you find millions of male animal-like hairs, all pulled out from the root.
Furthermore, (clearly making a sharp exit) you find a trail of gigantic paw-like feet, blazing a trail towards the nearest frozen fishing pond.
Professor Troof
Lucky Stiff
Mar-29-2016 00:41
I encountered the favour issue, now solved (thanks!) but for the first time just now it's happened on a regular case. While you're hunting the snark, I'm hoping it's not aa boojum :-)
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur
Mar-29-2016 05:09
I think something went wrong when the last set of fixes were uploaded to Noir, as they don't seem to be taking effect. Ben will need to double check that when he's able to.