Server Outage 2/12
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner
Feb-13-2016 10:41
Hi all. Our poor old server had a bad day. It was pretty slow yesteday, and may have even corrupted a few cases.
I finally had to put it out of it's misery this evening, and launched a brand-spankin new one.
I don't think any data was lost, but please let me know here if you think you were penalized somehow.
I've gone ahead and granted all current subscribers an extra day on their subscriptions.
The only bug that I know of right now is that bar chat isn't working. I'll get to that in the next couple days.
Sleuth Strong!
Replies |
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur
Mar-31-2016 07:30
Mmh. Bar chat and scripted mysteries need some work from our code fluent admin, as opposed to our acorn storing one.
Washed Up Punter
Mar-31-2016 15:28
I likes da bar quiet.
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur
Mar-31-2016 16:22
Bet you don't like the bar closed though.
Washed Up Punter
Mar-31-2016 16:57
Silence is for fools, and I aint one. I just likes t'be able t'hear my clients grovelling.