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Christmas Competition... First to find...
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Safety Officer

Dec-21-2015 16:48

A special prize for the player who PM's me fully dressed in the Christmas gear I have spread out across Sleuthville. (The traditional plush santa's hat some players might already have is NOT one of the items, nor is the start up baseball cap).

This shouldn't take too long!

I'll be checking my PM's daily, and will accept a screen shot (if you can't wait for me to respond) sent to

There is a head slot item, shoes, coat and 2 accessories. (they are all AI/Favour equivalent statted)

You'll probably need access to an Agency or an Apartment for this (sorry) just to store the gear.

I'll do something(s?) else for people who don't have access to an Agency or an Apartment.

Good Luck!




Jan-11-2016 05:26

Awww well done jesse, ss as you said they were all ai/favor equivillent statted i assumed that they would all come from either ai cases/favor cases. I had been to lucys a few times but must have missed it.

Con Artist

Jan-11-2016 07:44

Congrats Jesse :-)

Daenerys Targaryen
Daenerys Targaryen

Jan-11-2016 08:48

Congratulations to Jesse, and a big thank you to Squirrel for making this holiday season in Sleuthville so interesting.

Bela Talbot III
Bela Talbot III
Con Artist

Jan-12-2016 08:11

Congrats Jesse; that was amazing! Thank you SS, this was fun :D

Sleuth Admin
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner

Jan-13-2016 10:18

Congrats Jesse! And thanks for running this competition SS. I love it.

Jesse: I think SS is going to present you with one prize soon (if he hasn't already). I'm working on a couple others, but I'll let him give you the details.

Professor Troof
Professor Troof
Lucky Stiff

Jan-13-2016 12:50

Congratulations Jesse! And thanks for the competition, always fun to try :-)

Safety Officer

Jan-13-2016 13:23

OK so... Prize.

Jesse gets:

1. Title: "Santa's Little Helper" (of course)
2. Any one of the items he collected upgraded (stats & to his archetype ie tough) - it will also be Christmassy red
3. An Antler Coat Rack (Dancer should have picked up the pace last Christmas it seems) for his apartment which will have 5 slots where he can store the gear he collected at zero space cost. I'll post the image of that on the Facebook Site whenI do the announcement thing there, as I don't have access to an URL for that.

Jesse please get in touch with me via PM which item and which room in your apartment Ben can place the Coat Rack.

There's still a week left if anyone is interested in finishing their collection, I think the hard one will be the bells. (Lucy doesn't show always show the same items each time.) They may or may not :p appear in the shop later this week.

PM me if you finish the collection, I might ad hoc decide to spread the holiday cheer further.

Safety Officer

Jan-13-2016 13:49

Oops apologies for the dodgy hammer image everyone, that's now fixed. Didn't even notice the transparency. :s

Safety Officer

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Jan-14-2016 08:57

There's a facebook site??

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