The Resistance: Round Yeti
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur
Sep-8-2014 10:51
After a period of absence, THE RESISTANCE has returned to the Sleuth boards with a healthy Yeti-flavoured taste.
For those unfamiliar, The Resistance is a social game of limited information. Players are split into two teams, one team being true members of the resistance, and the other being spies who have infiltrated the group. Over a course of five missions, resistance members aim to have three missions succeed, whereas spies aim to sabotage three of them. The only way for players to communicate with each other will be through this thread.
I'll post a detailed set of rules once the sign up process is over, but to give you an idea of how the game goes the first The Resistance thread on the Sleuth boards is here: http://noir.playsleuth.com/map/cityhall/post.spy?id=34582&first_record=302111
We'll need five to ten players in order to start the game. I'd like to keep this game flowing, so before putting your name down please make sure that to the best of your knowledge you'll be able to log in at least once a day for the next two weeks. You will not receive financial payment for playing THE RESISTANCE.
Sign up today!
Replies |
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Sep-14-2014 10:18
I'm NOT talking!
Lou Hoyle
Sep-14-2014 13:30
Soheir your logic is sound but I can only think of one other scenario; Devi could be still be a spy, and you still resistiance member that enjoys playing mind games, the purpose of this scenario would be truly devious. But I going along that Devi id NOT a spy.
Now we have to wait for TD and Devi to vote on mission success. I'm thinking it will be positive.
Lou Hoyle
Sep-14-2014 13:32
Oh wait I forgot we haven't heard from Sal yet, sorry didn't want to jump the gun.
Soheir Hassan
Sleuth About Town
Sep-14-2014 14:44
You give me too much credit Lou! I'm not sure I would know how to pull off such a mind game, lol. Would that be to mess with the spies or my fellow resistors?
...I tried to type out that line of logic and got lost in my own words, hehee.
And Turtle, I should let you know that not talking has an equal impact on my paranoia! :D
Lou Hoyle
Sep-14-2014 14:55
I agree that it would be twisted logic indeed as I'm sure it would mess with everyone else, the spies would be wondering what's going on and the resistiance members, well they would still be in the dark just a little further down the rabbit hole.
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur
Sep-14-2014 23:54
The rules on the first page were a copy and paste job from the last game I ran and were designed for a team of five. Consequently I state that if all players ultimately make a team proposal for a single mission, and all proposals are rejected, the spies/villains win. However, in our six person game, only five team proposals need be rejected for a single mission in order for a spy victory.
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Sep-15-2014 07:52
Correct me if I’m wrong everyone but from what I understand of the process, before we vote on the mission, we must first vote on whether we accept or not the team makeup as proposed by Soheir. Yeti must then post the results saying if we are to go on with the mission or if we should turnover the reigns to the next person on the list, Devilish Wings, who would then propose a new setup on which we would vote again. Once the team is approved then we would move on to the mission. I’ve already sent in my vote concerning the team makeup to Yeti a while ago. Am I missing something here?
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur
Sep-15-2014 08:07
No turtledove, you are quite correct. We're currently waiting for one vote before I can post the results. Once 48 hours have passed since Soheir first gave her team proposal any of you will be able to call time on the final voter, and their vote will be randomly determined. I have every confidence they'll be along today though.
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur
Sep-15-2014 14:13
I'm exhausted, so I'm going to head to bed now. As of 15:00 server time it'll have been 48 hours since the team proposal was first made. Any of you can call time on the final vote we're waiting for whilst I'm asleep, and tomorrow (if the vote still has not been made) I'll randomise that player's vote so the game can continue. To clarify - if a player calls time, and then the player votes, and I still haven't logged in myself yet, I'll accept the player's actual vote over the calling time. If none of you call time, and the player doesn't log in to make their vote, then we'll carry on as we are.
Lou Hoyle
Sep-15-2014 14:26
Have a good rest.