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fake alibi and evidence
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Miss Rose1
Miss Rose1

Jan-5-2005 18:29


Miss Rose1
Miss Rose1

Jan-5-2005 18:30

oops. what I meant to say is that with a fake alibi and evidence doesn't that mean that they are guilty??

Old Shoe

Jan-5-2005 18:30

Some more info?

Old Shoe

Jan-5-2005 18:31

Like, when you have a fake aliby and a physical evidence pointing at them?

Miss Rose1
Miss Rose1

Jan-5-2005 18:31


Miss Rose1
Miss Rose1

Jan-5-2005 18:34

I had a suspect with a fake alibi and then the footprint was his but he was not the guilty one. What more do you need??

Miss Rose1
Miss Rose1

Jan-5-2005 18:34

I meant what more do you need to solve a case?

Old Shoe

Jan-5-2005 18:43

That should be enough. This is one of two things:

1. You accidentally messed up.
2. It is a bug.

Miss Rose1
Miss Rose1

Jan-6-2005 10:18

it must have been a bug because I write everything down so it couldn't have been my mistake. That sucks!

Miss Rose1
Miss Rose1

Jan-6-2005 10:20

It better not happen often or I seriously will consider not playing this anymore.. considering I had to spend time and money on it.

Miss Rose1
Miss Rose1

Jan-6-2005 10:21

the case that is and to clear it off my record

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