Sleuthville AVH Tournament 2014
Riza Hawkeye
First Nomad
May-5-2014 10:56
Greetings, people of Sleuthville! The time has come once again for the annual Sleuthville Arch-Villain Hunt Tournament. This year, in an attempt to change things up a bit, I’m happy to announce the return of the one-on-one matchups! Oldies and newcomers alike are welcome to participate. What better way to stave off boredom than a little friendly competition?
The format will be 16 detectives, each randomly paired off by a magic baseball hat to face one other person. For this competition, players going through Cairo will have a day taken off their totals. The fastest player(s) from each round will go on to the next round until a winner is determined. In the case of a tie (same day capture), both players will move on to compete in a triple threat matchup. Failed hunts will not count against you; you will not be disqualified. If you fail your hunt and would like to start another, you may, but the day count will start from the official start date of the round. The last one standing wins.
The rules:
- Either PM me or post here as soon as possible if you find that your hunt goes through Cairo, so I can keep accurate records.
- In the spirit of competition, trash-talking is allowed, just as long as it is friendly and appropriate.
- You may not PM me to ask for any AVH hunt help or advice.
- If you are unable to compete in a round for whatever reason, you are allowed to ask someone to sub in for you for that round only. This privilege may only be used once, and only in emergencies. The player who is subbing in for you may be anyone who is not competing in the current round, even someone who was not initially entered in the competition.
You may:
-travel to Shangri La the night before, but NOT start the hunt
-use a travel kit
-use head of faction privileges
-use agencies and apartments to swap gear
Replies |
Sam Baker
May-8-2014 04:31
I'm in!!! :))
Jade Capone
May-9-2014 01:38
Me too :)
Danny Mack
Old Shoe
May-9-2014 03:58
Leddie will be in.
Lady Emerald Devon
May-9-2014 04:09
I don't know why though. I HATE AVH. Got retired on one and always fail them because I don't know left from right... east to west...
Bela Talbot III
Con Artist
May-9-2014 07:19
I'm in :)
*races away*
May-9-2014 11:05
Hooray for Bela! I knew you'd join in eventually. Also for my lovely Crypt ladies! :D
Sal Iva
Little Monster
May-9-2014 18:45
DW, how you can make such a kind statement as you did, after they way I weighed down our team last year, is beyond me. But consider yourself hugged for saying it. :)
Bela Talbot III
Con Artist
May-9-2014 23:27
Hey, there were some genuine days (minutes, seconds) of doubt there, so don't get all "duh, you'd join" on me :D
May-9-2014 23:49
Aww hush Sal, it wasn't that bad. Pure bad luck. I'll accept that hug, though.
And Bela - I actually thought for a second that you'd bail on me this year. Tsk Tsk Tsk . :D
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
May-10-2014 05:46
Yes Please! This is so exciting, I"m tingly all over.