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Daily Pub Quiz
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Jan-4-2005 18:37

See if there is interest for this.

1. Each day I will post 10 questions, at random times of the day.
2. Each Quiz runs exactly 24 hours.
3. The first person that has all 10 questions right, wins. Or if no one has all questions right, the best one wins.
4. You can only post answers ONCE for the same quiz.
5. No cash involved. Just glory. :)



Jan-24-2005 12:58


I fared well last time and this is a lot of fun, so here’s my crack at the latest quiz…

1. true
2. nope—false
3. true- Faeryshan is indeed a moderator (Hey Faeryshan, you're in an answer now too) :)
4. false- it was developed in the 1960’s
5. true – Yuck!- I could’ve gone without that tidbit of information :)
6. false- it lasted only 38 minutes
7. true- and this person was a weirdo
8. true
9. false- it’s a myth
10. false- it was made in 1955
11. false- another myth
12. true- I’m going to leave this one alone.
13. false- it’s 35%! I’m shocked! That’s scarier than the Grim Reaper guy
14. true- parts of the Bible have been translated in Klingon
15. false- it’s 10%
16. true
17. true
18. false- it’s Baywatch
19. true
20. true- that’s just awful!


Jan-24-2005 14:52

And we have a winner. Actually number 2 in the trivia questions I had the answer was yes. In a movie called "Junior"....I tried to verify this (as you surely did some research in getting all the other questions right)....but couldn't. Jodie foster is not even in the actors list on

5 and 13 shocked me! A maggot is allowed for every 100 grams of tomato puree, gross. I would have surely have answered false to this one, and it is actually true.

Had to laugh about the Grim Reaper story.


Jan-24-2005 16:32

about tomatoes---my dad told me that years ago-he had a summer job in a cannery when he was a senior in High school and he had to check the gunk concentration. what's worse is if they have a batch that's too dirty, they mix it with "cleaner" batches until gets diluted and it passes the test.


Jan-24-2005 16:37


Old Shoe

Jan-24-2005 16:47


(I have something like that about chicken, but if I said it, no one would want to eat chicken any more)


Jan-24-2005 17:30

I had a friend who actually had the chicken job....for one day. Then she quit.

I think anyone that has worked in the food industry can tell a tale. I just to work in a bakery and in a lunch meat butcher place. Gross man.

But 100grams is not very much at all. That's like a can. 1 maggot per can. UUUUUURGH.


Jan-24-2005 21:15

Theres also a law about allowing an amount of rat droppings in a hotdog. Something like 3 droppings. Also, a Mars bar has an average of 5 insect legs. Apparently, a person eats one insect or arachnid(spider) in their sleep every year.


Jan-24-2005 21:16

So a can of tomato sauce is like a years worth of sleep. The glass is half full!:)


Jan-25-2005 08:47

LOL U369, I actually got the info off a website that listed all sorts of stuff like that SHOCKING, unfortunately I did not save the URL.


Jan-26-2005 07:58


1. Which movie: "Does Barry Manilow know you raid his wardrobe?"
2. The recording took place on the night of the American Music Awards, January 28th, 1985. This was the perfect way to assure that most of the artists would all be free on a single date. Name the song?
3. Which eighties album, that sold 20 million plus copies, featured Vincent Price?
4. What show was "Whatcha talkin' 'bout Willis?" a standard catch phrase?
5. Which computer manufacturer in 1984 advertised their new computer during the Super Bowl, and never re-used the commercial?
6. What style of dancing was popularized with rap music?
7. What movie featured Reece's Pieces as a crucial part of the story, because the director couldn't obtain the rights to use M&M's?
8. What was the name of the multi-colored cube you had to re-organize?
9. What mistake did Coca-Cola make in 1985?
10. What was the inexpensive designer watch of choice amongst teenagers during the eighties?

Scary enough I answered them all right myself, I am showing my age here. I LOVE THE 80s!!!

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