Daily Pub Quiz
Jan-4-2005 18:37
See if there is interest for this.
1. Each day I will post 10 questions, at random times of the day.
2. Each Quiz runs exactly 24 hours.
3. The first person that has all 10 questions right, wins. Or if no one has all questions right, the best one wins.
4. You can only post answers ONCE for the same quiz.
5. No cash involved. Just glory. :)
Replies |
Jan-2-2007 02:19
ok i feel incredibly stupid for the only one i know the answer to... is #8 the year is 1921.
Lucky Stiff
Jan-2-2007 10:04
How's your knowledge of events that happened in January?
1. Stalin?
2. Guyana! (no clue lol)
3. True
4. 1945
5. Boston and London
6. Bunker hill?
7. JANUARY!!! (see I know one)
8. 1920
9. submarine?
10. Poe?
I love John's quizzes, cuz I can just completely guess and pray I got at least SOMETHING right...
John Q. Publik
Old Shoe
Jan-2-2007 14:38
1. Mahatma Ghandi
2. Australia
3. False
4. 1920
5. New York and London
6. Battle of New Orleans
7. 1759 (And I'll give Biggie credit for this one, too.)
8. 1920
9. Submarine
10. Lord Byron
And with 5 1/2, Marcus Tomas is our next quiz giver. Congratulations, and good luck.
Lucky Stiff
Jan-4-2007 06:57
did better than i thought....thanks for the freebie John :)
Safety Officer
Jan-6-2007 06:08
Sorry Marcus, you can have my next go if I've jumped the gun on you:
Kind of geographical mixed bag...
1. Which 4 US presidents are carved into Mt Rushmore? And can I have them in order of inauguration.
2. Who played lawyer Billy Flynn in the 2002 film version of the stage musical Chicago?
3. What are the two most expensive properties (dark blue) on a Monopoly Board? I'll accept any country's version.
4. What country is the city of Casablanca in?
5. Geographically speaking, what do these 8 countries have in common? United Kingdom, France, Spain, Algeria, Mali, Burkina Faso, Ghana & Togo.
6. Which country leads the world in duck production (for food)?
a) Canada
b) Thailand
c) China
d) France
7. The Shakespeare play Othello is subtitled 'The Moor of...'
a) Turin
b) Rome
c) Madrid
d) Venice
8. What US state is Elvis' Graceland Mansion in?
a) Tennessee
b) Nebraska
c) Ohio
d) Utah
9. What is the capital of Liechtenstein?
a) Tirane
b) Vilnius
c) Vaduz
d) Tallinn
10. And just so you can all have a little sing-along...
From the song New York, New York (The Ebb/Sinatra one, not the Bernstein/Kelly one):
The singer wants to "wake up in a city that never..."
a) Stinks
b) Tells
c) Surrenders
d) Sleeps
EASY BONUS: Since I mention the Bernstein version:
New York New York
It's a hell of a town
The Bronx is up and the Battery's down.
The People ride in a hole in the ground. etc etc
Which US TV cartoon parodied this song in an episode?
John Q. Publik
Old Shoe
Jan-6-2007 07:23
1. Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, Roosevelt
2. Richard Gere
3. Park Place and Boardwalk
4. Morocco
5. ?
6. c) China?
7. d) Venice
8. a) Tennessee
9. c) Vaduz
10. d) Sleeps
EASY BONUS: I should know this, but it's escaped me at the moment.
Jan-6-2007 11:41
1. Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, T. Roosevelt
2. Alec Baldwin
3. (US) Park Place and Boardwalk
4. Morocco
5. No idea, but I'll take a vague stab and say it has something to do with coastline or bordering bodies of water
6. b?
7. c?
8. a
9. b?
10. d
BONUS-- The Simpsons!
Springfield Springfield, It's a Helluva town........
John Q. Publik
Old Shoe
Jan-6-2007 14:39
Thank you, Serges for making me feel retarded for not remembering that last one. DOH!
Rosamund Clifford
Tale Spinner
Jan-6-2007 18:40
1. Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, Roosevelt
2. Richard Gere
3. Park Lane, Mayfair
4. Morocco
5. They are all on the northern hemisphere
6. Thailand?
7. d) Venice
8. a) Tennessee
9. c) Vaduz
10. d) Sleeps
Bonus: ?
Safety Officer
Jan-8-2007 00:43
Ok Answers:
1. Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, T. Roosevelt
2. Richard Gere
3. Park Lane & Mayfair (UK) or Park Place & Board Walk (US), I think the Australian Version is Kings Avenue and Flinders Way.
4. Morocco
5. The all lay on the Prime Meridean or zero degrees Longitude.
6. c. China
7. d. Venice
8. a. Tennessee
9. c. Vaduz
10. d. Sleeps
Bonus: Simpsons, and as Serges sings "Springfield Springfield, It's a Helluva town..."
Winner = John Q