Bugs Again!
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Feb-23-2013 11:19
Yesterday I started an AI for my VH. I opened a case, the screen went white for a split second, my case disappeared and I ended up with a FA. No, I did not report it because admin always assumes that FAs are the result of personal mistakes and they don’t bother to follow up, so I won’t waste my time.
Today I’m still on my VH. Since the Barber in Delhi had a book I needed to pick up I visited him and to my surprise my Nemesis hunt task was updated. I was supposed to go see the Waiter in London and give him a Fine Leather Briefcase. Not only did I not visit the Waiter in London but I also lost my Dagger of Horus in the process.
Has anyone else been experiencing bugs lately?
Replies |
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Feb-25-2013 07:17
I hear you ctown but SS says it clearly in one of his posts and I quote " if it's a 'the cat ate my homework' bug ie a FA claim. I usually let it ride and wait for lightning to strike twice. Mainly because after X years of receiving FA bugs they invariably never happen twice. Sounds a bit blaze, but that's how it works. [most bug reports revolve around FA's.]"
I have had FAs in the past, some of which I'm sure were my fault and some not, and I did report those. I have never received an update from admin on any of them. You were lucky to have had yours checked out.
Eden Zweig
Feb-25-2013 11:34
So FA bugs happened before and the admins actually confirmed it???
Assuming that all the reports sent via the bug report page are being read and attention is paid equally to all reports of the same type, do I get this right:
1. Any reports sent from this page are always being checked.
2. FA bugs can happen because they were witnessed to have happened, but once we report it and ask for a feedback, we only get the feedback if the admin confirms that it was bugged and not otherwise if it doesn't.
If we have no problem with the checking but with the feedback requests, then remembering what Friday Robinson had to go through a while back, I just hope that feedbacks will be sent upon request because when they are not, it might lead any of us to think we are being ignored.
I used to think they totally ignored all FA bug reports, after having concluded that all of the previous reports were because of user mistakes. I thought I head read somewhere something like that? I'm a bit confused...
Safety Officer
Feb-25-2013 16:44
Heh without getting bogged down in anything else, I'll check it out. They all sound like database issues. It's a Ben thing, so put your nana rung on, pull down a copy of War and Peace, and I'll be back with you by the last chapter :p
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Feb-26-2013 05:54
Thanks SS.
Pinball Amateur
Feb-27-2013 00:17
And yes, Eden, FA bugs have actually happened before. And Admin has confirmed it. Once. That I can remember in seven-odd years. As far as I know, FAs are rarely checked (personal experience speaking there), even less commonly reported back on (NEVER happened with me, ever, with any bug report I've ever made) and even more rarely reversed. Even for computer-caused or other non-human errors. Don't get yer hopes up. Sorry. :-/
Wish things were better on the hope front. :-.
Eden Zweig
Feb-27-2013 17:22
Haha, thanks Breitkat. That cleared it up for me. I have no problem if they check it or not. I was rather trying to figure out the conditions under which they will check fa cases, that is if/when they do.
So... sounds like there are no clearly defined rules that I don't know of. Then I'll go on with my screenshot idea, just in case. (I don't think I'll ever need it if this happened once in seven years, though. It will turn out a stupid mistake I made more than 99.9...% of the time.)
Thanks again, it's nice to have people with 7 years of experience share what they know :)
Vampiric Smile
Safety Officer
Feb-27-2013 22:18
It is obvious that after nemesis addon the game is having many bugs. FAs bugs can be severe and even descourage a player for staying in the game so my proposal is either take a look on them or if that is time consuming cut the Shady character prizes to 1/3
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Feb-28-2013 05:33
Is this a new bug?? About 10 days ago my nemesis task was to accept 5 bribes for quitting cases. I've had this one before without problem. This time however I have not gotten that particular twist but I have quit 2 cases and had my nemesis task updated. My problem is I am not seeing the offered bribe so I don't know which cases to quit. In theory this task could go on for weeks if not months because the twist is not popping up.
Safety Officer
Mar-1-2013 17:32
Yeah this all sounds icky. I'll try hassle Ben again.
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Mar-1-2013 20:18
Thanks SS - I appreciate any help. I'm starry eyed looking for that twist and it just ain't happening.