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Anyone remember me?
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Manfred Albrecht Freiherr von Richthofen
Manfred Albrecht Freiherr von Richthofen

Jan-1-2005 18:19

I was here a few months ago, when this game first started. Then, I left the game, and forgot the site. Things have changed a lot around here? Can anyone tell me anything that's changed around here? Is the four cases rule still in effect? Help me catch up on things...


Soleil Rai
Soleil Rai

Jan-4-2005 01:56

Darn! I just bought safe-cracking and I am not subscribed. So it is actually useless for me? #%*!^@)!^%#*#&% what a waste :-(

Thaddeus Mint
Thaddeus Mint

Jan-4-2005 05:07

Better subscribe then!
*shameless plug*

Soleil Rai
Soleil Rai

Jan-4-2005 09:29

yep Thaddeus, that's what I'm trying to do all the way from this side of the globe :-) Still, darned @(#%^%! 10 wasted points :-(

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