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Holiday Writing Contest 2012
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luc pfeiffer
luc pfeiffer

Dec-20-2012 17:51


We finally found Snuffles the Bloodhound and Klondike the Reindeer (he was stealing Clyde the Moose's carrots down at the Zoo). So, as promised, here we go... :o)

The Directors of Wish On A Star have held a holiday writing contest for several years. And while we're starting this just a wee bit late (sorry bout that, folks), we got together and decided, why not, we'll put this up and see if we get any bites. This year's offering includes some traditional requirements, like entries should not exceed the length of 3 posts; and some new hurdles, like the ones below. goes!! ;o)

We would like you to have your stories set, at least in part, in New York City, and in the time period of 1920 to 1945 or so (i.e.--the Noir Era). We want you to set your stories up to be about a holiday between November 20 and January 20; however; we don't care which Holiday you choose. (Yes, even Druids qualify.) Naming the Holiday is not sufficient; the authour should include what the character(s) do to honor that particular festive occasion in their story. Does the story have to be a mystery? Nope. It can be, but it can be a comedy, a drama, a role-play, whatever you want.

We want you to include one Townsperson or other major NY character (Big Lucy or her staff, a Faction Head, Ella May Viddel, Cabaret Singer, Marcus Cairn, Head Librarian, etc.) in your story. You need to do more than just list the person's name and job; we want you to describe the character, develop what personality traits you think this person has, and include this person, even if only in a minor role, in your story.

Final part of the boring stuff: We would like you to include a theme of music in your story. We want authors at least to allude to one piece of music in the entry. But!! Naming a song just won't cut it. We want you to describe the music in some way and incorporate it into your story in a meaningful way. All music must be written/published/copyrighted BEFORE 1945.


Trusted Informer

Jan-3-2013 09:38

Through lidded eyes I watch a snowflake settle on my nose, as I hear people skating on the frozen lake. Nimbly hopping off the pile of cardboard boxes on which I'd been sleeping, I yawn and stretch to shake off the tiredness. I saunter down the empty alley and idly watch a large family across the street, braving the gusty winds to festoon their windows. A slight tremor runs through me, and I'm once again grateful for my warm if ragged cream and orange coat.

Suddenly midst the cheerful din of merrymakers, I hear plaintive sobs unbecoming of the festive spirit. Unable to help my curiosity, I follow the sound to an old swing, in a rather deserted corner of this bustling neighbourhood. Seated on it is a young boy, tears streaking his red cheeks and shivering despite an expensively tailored green sweater. As I step on a twig, he whips around with a hopeful, "Dad?!"

He's crestfallen to see I look nothing like his father. Nonetheless dismay gives way to an amiable smile. He hops off the swing and clumsily trudges through the snow over to me, running a hand through caramel brown hair. He bends a little, for unfortunately he stands taller than me in his green boots.

"I've seen you before. They call you Poppins around here, don't they?"

Well even if we spoke the same language I wouldn't tell him that some call me a common street pest. Not all though, by far. Not the Bransons and the Wendlands, who compete with new holiday recipes. Not the Bartletts and the Cranes, whose children make snowballs and pelt eachother silly every year. Not the-

I'm jolted from my reverie of the friendly folk, as small cold hands dig into my coat.

"Sorry," he mumbles, "it's just that I left my gloves with dad...and...they were big for me...and..."

Trusted Informer

Jan-3-2013 09:39

His words are drowned out by pitiful sobs that ring out in the awkward silence. From whatever is interspersed with the blubbering and stuttering, I gather that our little hero was unceremoniously separated from his father in the mad rush of exuberant crowds. Having never gone unchaperoned anywhere, he was lost and had come stumbling here.

I'm also not sure why he felt the need to tell me any of this, but I am nothing if not a patient listener and curious observer.

Apparently we aren't the only ones to wander into this nook. A pair of drunk teenage urchins come staggering over the snow and one of them even bumps right into the swing. The other one snorts loudly, guffawing even as he notices that they aren't alone.

"My my, Benny, what've we got here?"

My companion stiffens right next to me, sobbing as the more clumsy of the two urchins straightens up and looks our way.

"Looks like Santa's gone all out, Dan. Fancy sweater, fancy boots, and goodness knows what fancy stuff lies in those pockets," he drawls, taking a menacing step toward us.

I don't know what comes over me, but before I know it I've shot past the boy, yowling and swiping out at them. I skid to a stop just in time, glaring quietly. The one called Benny falls on his backside, eyeing me with a mix of disbelief and disgust.

"It's that damned pest," the one called Dan sneers. "I'm not up to hassling a little bugger for holiday pocket money. Not tonight anyway."

He turns and stalks out of sight. Benny sways to his feet and follows, belching and muttering.

Our little hero is still visibly shaken by the encounter and stands staring at the empty swing. I turn and stroll over to him, gently nudging. Jumping a little, he looks at me with confusion before laughing in relief. I watch calmly as his breath condenses in little misty patches around his reddened face.

Trusted Informer

Jan-3-2013 09:50

"Enough of mishaps for tonight," he says with a sudden burst of courage, determined not to let the day end in frightened tears and disappointment. "Where's the lake. My dad wanted to get me skates and-"

Before another meltdown, I swiftly turn and silently lead the way. As expected, my young charge eagerly follows, taking a deep breath and wrapping his short arms around himself. We make a very odd couple, traipsing past brightly decked homes on our way to the lake.

Lovers gripping each other with trepidation as they skid across the ice. Toddlers fumbling to find balance with their heavy skates, clinging to their parents' fingers. Skating was never my thing by any stretch of imagination, but I'm content to watch alongside my young companion, as he gazes rapt at the frozen circus.


He reacts immediately. I turn as he frantically scrambles to his feet, nearly tripping over them in the process, and bolts past me to the source of that welcome voice.

A similarly red faced and caramel haired young man falls to his knees as his arms embrace a small squirming body. For the lack of a better cliche, I witness a holiday reunion. They don't the speak the same language as I, but the how, why and what of the unfortunate episode are irrelevant. Their breathless delight is all that really matters.

Crisp voices singing Auld Lang Syne fill the air.

"Should old acquaintance be forgot..."

"Over here!"

Bertie drags his dad with all his might over to where he left me. Through his son's enthusiastic tales, the man scrutinizes me, bending to read my collar.

"Poppins," he laughs, gently stroking behind the ears. "You're not an acquaintance Bertie will forget any time soon. Merry Christmas, buddy."
Thaddeus Kobayashi hums merrily as he locks up. Sale of woolens for the holiday season has skyrocketed. He jumps as a cream orange cat wraps around his ankles.

"Poppins," comes a gentle rebuke. "No more disappearing today. Home, shall we? I made a blanket for your basket."

luc pfeiffer
luc pfeiffer

Jan-3-2013 10:44

Wahooee!!!! We got us three entries!!!! Who'da thunk???? Thank you Thank you Thank you All!!!!!!!!!

With great appreciation,

David Adams
David Adams

Jan-3-2013 15:52

Fantastic entries so far! Only a couple more days to get your story in, so get scribblin'! :-D

Happy New Year!!

David Adams
David Adams

Jan-3-2013 15:53

Fantastic entries so far! Only a couple more days to get your story in, so get scribblin'! :-D

Happy New Year!!

Peter O'Neil
Peter O'Neil
Old Shoe

Jan-4-2013 18:24

Alas, I had hoped to contribute but was overloaded with distractions.

Great stories, folks. Can't wait to see how the judges rule!

luc pfeiffer
luc pfeiffer

Jan-5-2013 13:31

you still have another 11 hours, mr. o'neill. breit has been begging me to write something. i should have it up sometime this afternoon, even if it is out of the judging. the fun part is writing and reading them, as you reminded us. so if it takes a couple extra days, i'm still willing to consider you for one of those honorable mention prizes that i talked about earlier. good luck and hope you get an entry in! L

luc pfeiffer
luc pfeiffer

Jan-5-2013 21:58

wait a minute, it's two hours until the deadline and someone FINALLY makes us a sticky post here????!!! call me a little befuddled. i need ice cream. some things are just too mysterious to ponder. good luck all! hope we get a couple last minute entries! L

Pinball Amateur

Jan-5-2013 23:43

Hi all!! ;-)

Because we've had a couple of PMs and posts from people stating that they're having time issues (and we've been a bit guilty of that ourselves, oops ;-), we're going to extend the deadline for the contest to 11:59 PM, Sleuth Server Time, Monday, January 7, 2013. We're hoping that an extra two days will give everybody enough time to come up with the time they need to be able to submit an entry. For those that have already submitted one, we THANK YOU so very much!! Please be patient with us just a bit longer, please.

We have one surprise judge lined up to evaluate everyone's work so far. We're hoping to have at least one more. We will reveal the full panel of judges on Tuesday.

Any past or present member of Wish in good standing, who wishes to cast a vote in this contest, is more than welcome to do so (one of the perks of being a part of our little Zoo ;-). Please PM any of the Directors, so we know you want to take part (and yes, you can remain anonymous ;-).

Have a great weekend, everybody, and we hope you all have had a Wonderful Holiday Season!! ;-D

Thank you!!

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