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Equipment and Archetypes
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Andrea Spedding
Andrea Spedding

Jan-1-2005 09:20

If I have equipment that doesn't fit my archetype, does that damage my skills? For example, I have a black coat at the moment which is +2 toughness, but I am smart and charming. Should I get rid of the coat?
Thanks, and happy new year!



Jan-2-2005 00:14

Agencies are groups of subscribed detectives. there are many excellent reasons to join. you have access to other equipment, can get help from other detectives and can do hunts. take a look at the case screen. I've never been on a hunt but it sounds like fun. there is a recruiting message board. You can also click on various detectives to get more info. Some agencies have crime labs also!


Jan-2-2005 06:02

You can get help from other detectives via the case files... as other detectives usually have different contacts.
SO for example if you have a case with 3hairs and you don't have barber contact, you can put your case into the case file and ask for the person with the barber contact to talk to the barber for you. Then they can resave the case for you.
Saves on quit cases, and you can also do more difficult cases when you work as a team.
Most agencies that have been around awhile have all the contacts, I know ours does. :).
Crime Labs are great to get specific evidence...if you need to know Slim or Heavy from a footprint for example.

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