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Night of the Nemesiseses - Midnight 9/9
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Sleuth Admin
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner

Sep-4-2012 14:59

Serges has been hard at work on a very cool update these past few months, and he's finally ready to release his creation on Sleuth Noir players.

I'll let him reveal or not reveal whatever he sees fit, but the broad outline is: this expansion provides new content for advanced players who have already captured multiple Arch Villains.

Stay tuned


Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

Sep-5-2012 12:50

This sounds fantastic. I really look forward to trying this out :-D

Carrie Mehome
Carrie Mehome

Sep-5-2012 13:10

How many arch-villians need to be caught before you can start your first nemesis hunt? Have I caught enough?


Sep-5-2012 13:23

The total number is still being finalized, but it's currently set at 10 arch-villains for your first one, and 10 villains between nemesis hunts.

However, I hope that for the month of September, the number to start your first hunt will be 5. That way, those of you with a lot of experience but relatively few villain hunts under your belt can experience the expansion without having to wait. It would also encourage people to actively play over the next few weeks (and renew their subscriptions!)

Once October 1st hit though, the requirement would change to 10, and would stay that way. So yes, Carrie, you're covered. :)


Sep-5-2012 13:26

Either way, my recommendation to anyone with less than 10 villain hunts under their belt is to get out there and start tracking down villains ASAP so you can check out the new expansion!


Sep-5-2012 14:30

Sounds wonderful! Thanks for your hard work Serges.

Eden Zweig
Eden Zweig

Sep-5-2012 14:45

Dream come true. Thank you very much.

Vampiric Smile
Vampiric Smile
Safety Officer

Sep-5-2012 22:11

This sounds interesting. I have never been a fan of VHs but this is really something that i will defently try. So during this nemesis hunt we will be able to do favors and even advance a TH ?


Sep-6-2012 00:58

VS: The nemesis hunt is designed so that your regular day-to-day Sleuth business is not infringed upon. There is a single, notable exception to that statement, but it would be spoilery to reveal it now. Rest assured that the access you'll lose in that scenario is minimal and very temporary.


Sep-6-2012 01:29

Another thing, since questions have popped up:

To start, participate, and ultimately complete a nemesis hunt, you will have to have access to subscriber-only features of the game such as travel and agencies. As such, much like villain hunts, you will need to be subscribed in order to play the new expansion content.

Also, we have made the decision to allow players with THREE or more completed villain hunts the ability to start a nemesis hunt until October 1st; after that, the requirement will increase to, and remain at, 10 captured villains. So if you're a player with a low number of villain hunts under your belt, you've got about 3 1/2 weeks to get hunting before the minimum increases.

Friday Robinson
Friday Robinson

Sep-6-2012 04:52

this sounds so good! thank you to serge for making this expansion. and it is right about encouraging subscriptions. mine expires this month and i was going to let it go as i have so much studies and work to do. but now i really want to try this nemesis hunt so will continue :)

i will probably just have to give up sleeping and eating though - oh well...

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