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The Resistance: Order of Socrates Restores Order
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Battered Shoe

Jun-18-2012 11:08

Once again, turmoil is brewing in the underground crime world of New York. The city is slowly being taken over by La Cosa Nostra, the New York underground mafia. They are recruiting members at record numbers and they can be seen in every night club and bar scaring away customers. And now Joseph Hollis, the High Philosopher of the Order of Socrates, and mayor of New York, has learned of a secret plan by his rival faction, La Cosa Nostra, to go on a crime spree and make off with money, valuables, and ultimate control of various establishments in New York.

Mr. Hollis, being not only concerned with the livelihoods of the patrons of his city, but also with his rival faction gaining too much power, has decided to put together a team of trusted Order of Socrates resistance operatives to foil the plans of La Cosa Nostra. Unfortunately, there has been a lot of attrition lately, and certain people have been going to the highest bidder to offer their services as a spy working from within the Order of Socrates. Joseph is aware of this and he's put together the best possible team he can think of, but unwittingly will be inviting some spies for La Cosa Nostra to his team of operatives.

As long as the loyal Order of Socrates operatives can figure out whom amongst them is untrustworthy, their mission should be a success. But if they trust the wrong people, La Cosa Nostra will succeed and cause severe damage to the New York economy, while gaining enough power to take over the city.

Will the mayor and his team be able to restore order to New York? Or will the underground mafia, take over the city's resources? That's for you to decide in this version of The Resistance: Order of Socrates Restores Order


M. Lacrimosa
M. Lacrimosa

Jun-20-2012 06:46

I'll do it for her, Jason. *whack* Pay attention

Eden Zweig
Eden Zweig

Jun-20-2012 08:06

lol I was having fun untill you said that :D


Jun-20-2012 09:50

I encourage you to vote "YES" on this mission, because of two simple facts.
1) It's the same 3 people as the last successful mission (which had 2 confirmed Resistance members) plus another confirmed Resistance member.

So, either it succeeds, and we're up 2-0, or it fails, and Ms Helen is revealed as a spy along with Jason.

2) Jason is a spy, and he is the next mission leader. We don't want him to get control with one rejected mission on the books, since we'll likely have to reject his as well, and then we get to some people whose allegiance is unknown, which could mean we get to 5 rejected missions in a row.

Vote this one through guys, then let's figure out who else is who when Jason puts together his "team".

Lucky Stiff

Jun-20-2012 09:58

Confirmed by you. If you guys are spies, then the assumption is false. Why WOULDN'T you let a mission succeed to avoid detection? And quite possibly, "out" Jason to cover your own asses?

Jason most likely is a spy. You guys *could* be, and I know its unlikely, but its possible. Don't forget that almost the entire last game was spent with everyone completely convinced that *I* was one, and I wasn't. I want to go into this one as informed as possible before I start okaying missions with people I don't necessarily believe or trust.

I love my BFF, but you are a sneaky summabitch sometimes, especially when it comes to this game ;) I'm taking nothing for granted.

Battered Shoe

Jun-20-2012 10:00

OK still waiting on two votes to see if this mission is approved.

Molly Maltese
Molly Maltese
Old Shoe

Jun-20-2012 10:07

*swirls ermine furs and gestures grandly with cigarette*

Ooh, the Resistance. My favorite. As everyone knows I have always been staunchly in favor of the success of the Resistance! *waves tiny pennant*
However, I shall be voting yes to this mission. Ta, dears!

Jason Arends
Jason Arends
Lucky Stiff

Jun-20-2012 10:19

*skips over everything everyone said cause hes too tired to read all the accusations* :)

*eyes molly's hamming appreciatively*

Okay i voted. :)

Battered Shoe

Jun-20-2012 10:27

The results of the vote on Eden's MISSION 2 Proposal are in.

Eden proposed a team of:
- Serges
- Eden Zweig
- Ms Helen
- Illicit

This mission proposal has been APPROVED by a vote of 7-3. The votes are as follows:

Serges YES
Eden Zweig YES
Jason Arends YES
Cekuray YES
biggie528 NO
Molly Maltese YES
Illicit YES
M. Lacrimosa NO
Ms Helen NO
Riza Hawkeye YES

The mission is now ready to proceed. Eden Zweig, Serges, Illicit and Ms Helen must PM me whether they vote to SUCCEED or whether they vote to SABOTAGE the mission.

** Remember Resistance members must vote SUCCEED, while Spies may choose to vote either SUCCEED or SABOTAGE

Serges is currently holding the IN THE SPOTLIGHT ability, so he can force one of the team members to post their action publicly. Serges, would you like to use that ability for this mission?

Eden Zweig
Eden Zweig

Jun-20-2012 10:44

And I was thinking of Riza and Marc when I previously said "I'd like to check out someone who said yes"

Jason's in the basket lol.

Biggie, Ms Helen, and Marc... hmm


Jun-20-2012 10:46

Hmmm... to put Ms Helen in the spotlight or not to...

I say no. I don't think my use of the card would force her to change her play (assuming she has an option to begin with), because she knows the spies are in an early hole and may play Sabotage (assuming she's a spy) even if she's in the spotlight.

I'll hold it for now.

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