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The Resistance: Order of Socrates Restores Order
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Battered Shoe

Jun-18-2012 11:08

Once again, turmoil is brewing in the underground crime world of New York. The city is slowly being taken over by La Cosa Nostra, the New York underground mafia. They are recruiting members at record numbers and they can be seen in every night club and bar scaring away customers. And now Joseph Hollis, the High Philosopher of the Order of Socrates, and mayor of New York, has learned of a secret plan by his rival faction, La Cosa Nostra, to go on a crime spree and make off with money, valuables, and ultimate control of various establishments in New York.

Mr. Hollis, being not only concerned with the livelihoods of the patrons of his city, but also with his rival faction gaining too much power, has decided to put together a team of trusted Order of Socrates resistance operatives to foil the plans of La Cosa Nostra. Unfortunately, there has been a lot of attrition lately, and certain people have been going to the highest bidder to offer their services as a spy working from within the Order of Socrates. Joseph is aware of this and he's put together the best possible team he can think of, but unwittingly will be inviting some spies for La Cosa Nostra to his team of operatives.

As long as the loyal Order of Socrates operatives can figure out whom amongst them is untrustworthy, their mission should be a success. But if they trust the wrong people, La Cosa Nostra will succeed and cause severe damage to the New York economy, while gaining enough power to take over the city.

Will the mayor and his team be able to restore order to New York? Or will the underground mafia, take over the city's resources? That's for you to decide in this version of The Resistance: Order of Socrates Restores Order


M. Lacrimosa
M. Lacrimosa

Jun-18-2012 18:02

Oh what the heck, I'm in.


Jun-18-2012 22:25


Battered Shoe

Jun-18-2012 22:38

There's only one more spot open. I will send out your allegiances and start the game after we get a 10th. If no one else signs up by tomorrow 12:00 SST, I will start the game :-)

Battered Shoe

Jun-18-2012 23:11

OK. We have our tenth player. Illicit is going to play again.

The game is afoot (oh no I di'unt just quote Tarzan, did I?)

Please stay tuned for game details. And you will be receiving your allegiances shortly via PM.

Battered Shoe

Jun-18-2012 23:17

Because there are 10 players this time the game is slightly different.

There are FOUR spies, and SIX resistance operatives.

The mission details are as follows:
Mission 1: Three Team Members
Mission 2: Four Team Members
Mission 3: Four Team Members
Mission 4: Five Team Members**
Mission 5: Five Team Members

** This mission requires TWO sabotage votes for the mission to fail.

The player order is:
Eden Zweig
Jason Arends
Molly Maltese
M. Lacrimosa
Ms Helen
Riza Hawkeye

I will now send out your allegiances via PM. Remember DO NOT talk to ANYONE about this game outside of this thread. However feel free to discuss anything here in the meantime while the mission is being created.


Jun-18-2012 23:35

First leader, huh?

Seems fitting, all things considered.
Follow me to glory people!

Battered Shoe

Jun-19-2012 00:15

MISSION 1: The Meaty Treat

Mayor Hollis has learned that La Cosa Nostra is planning a hit on the most prominent Butcher Shop in NY, The Meaty Treat. They aim to stake the shop out in the middle of the night, steal all the available meat, and then burn The Meaty Treat to the ground. Isabella Santanelli, the Dona of La Cosa Nostra, heard through her network that Sylvia Lee had let her insurance policy lapse, so if she lost the shop to a fire, she would have no resources to start up again. This would allow La Cosa Nostra to corner the meat market in New York and sell their own that they acquire on the black market at exorbitant prices.

Mayor Hollis must ensure this doesn't happen and the people of NY are not bound by a mafia-run meat monopoly. He relays the details of the planned attack to his chosen team of operatives.

Serges is the leader for Mission 1.

Mission 1 will consist of THREE team members.

Mayor Hollis gave his first team leader two special advantages to distribute to whom he sees fit. They are:
- OVERHEARD CONVERSATION - Owner of this card learns the allegiance of either the player above or below him/her on the player list via PM from the game master.
- ESTABLISH CONFIDENCE - The Leader's identity will be revealed to the player of their choice via PM from the game master.

Since Serges received the ESTABLISH CONFIDENCE card, his allegiance will be revealed to a player of his choosing via PM from me.

He will then distribute OVERHEARD CONVERSATION to another team member or keep it for himself.

Serges please feel free to assign these abilities whenever you are ready.


Jun-19-2012 00:20

I could agonize over the decision over who to give the powers to...

But, seeing how well the two abilities mesh with each other, I think what I'll do is:
Keep OVERHEARD CONFIDENCE and use it on Eden Zweig

He'll know for sure that I'm Resistance, and I'll know for sure what his allegiance is. Seems a fair cop.

Also, be advised everyone that the mission proposal will include me, Eden if he's really resistance, and Ms Helen, for no better reason than she didn't play the first game. This is NOT binding, mind you... :)

Battered Shoe

Jun-19-2012 00:24

Serges has chosen to give his ESTABLISH CONFIDENCE ability to Eden Zweig. Eden will receive a PM from me revealing the allegiance of Serges.

Serges has chosen to keep his OVERHEARD CONVERSATION and find out the allegiance of Eden Zweig. Serges will receive a PM from me revealing the allegiance of Eden.

Serges and Eden are both free to post what has been revealed to them after they receive the information.

At that point Serges can make his proposal for Mission 1, Team 1.


Jun-19-2012 00:30

OK, I got the PM from nicnic. Eden, thankfully, is Resistance too.

So, let's go with the original plan. The mission I propose is:
Eden Zweig
Ms. Helen

I'm confident about 2/3 of this mission, and literally have no idea about Ms. Helen, so she's a shot in the dark as much as anyone else would be at this early point in the game. Also, the way I see it, if she IS a spy, she'll be hard-pressed to sabotage since Eden and I will have mutually confirmed each others Resistance-ness.

Game on!

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