The Resistance
Jun-1-2012 11:11
I recently found an awesome party/social game called "The Resistance" that my friends and I love to play. The premise is very similar to games like "mafia" and "werewolf"; you have a group of players, in which some of them are working against the group and have knowledge the others don't.
In "The Resistance", you are basically members of an underground organization known as "The Resistance" attempting to destroy the establishment. However, among you there are counter-agents, or "Imperial Spies" who are working to sabotage your efforts. The spies know who they are, as well as who else is a spy, but will for all intents and purposes appear to be working toward the goals of the Resistance.
The game takes place over a series of 5 "missions". The Resistance is trying to complete 3 missions successfully, while the spies are attempting to sabotage 3 missions. First one to 3 wins.
(Gameplay in next post)
Replies |
Molly Maltese
Old Shoe
Jun-5-2012 13:51
Lordy, you know I can never resist the opportunity to ham.
*strikes seductive pose, adjusts ermine, lights cigarette*
Ah, the illustrious Cekuray has narrowed it down nicely for you, hasn't he? Surely the culprits must lurk behind the unassuming visages of Danny Mack, Marc Lacrimosa, Illicit and myself. Who can you trust? Who talks too loudly, who doesn't talk at all? Equally suspicious in turn. Who offers tremulous opinions, who offers their opinions very decidedly and urges you not to question them? Is it the blustering qualities of leadership , or is it disguising a more fell purpose?
*inhales from cigarette*
I've never trusted a man who told me precisely what to wear, or a politician who told me exactly what to endorse...so I certainly cast a dubious look upon you, Cekuray for your urging fanaticism and blind faith in your supreme cognition. Who has the credentials to make such a call? What are YOU hiding?
Molly Maltese
Old Shoe
Jun-5-2012 14:02
As for myself, I take the stance that it is far too early in the game for me to trust any of you. Absolutely everyone is suspect! I suspect myself! I give myself shifty eyes in the mirror as I walk past- its practically an existential crisis. Are you a hopeless ham? Or are you not hamming to disguise a fell purpose? Or are you hamming to diguise the fell purpose that you are a hopeless ham diguising yourself as a spy playing as a hopeless ham who really is resistance but just has a penchant for ermine?
Its enough to give one palpitations.
Jun-5-2012 14:25
Nicnic, Cekuray, Jason Arends and Illicit travelled incognito to the mayor's birthday celebration. It was a lavish affair, with literally hundreds of people in attendance. Any one of them could have been the Imperial assassin.
Nicnic and Cekuray separated from the team, as agreed, and took up spotter positions on the upper level of the hall. As the mayor took his position at the dais, Jason Arends and Illicit slowly worked their way to either side of the stage, ready in a flash to rush the mayor and get him out of harm's way if necessary.
Suddenly, there was a commotion near the rear of the room. A fight had broken out between two feuding neighbors over property lines. As everyone's attention was diverted, the spotters noticed a single, shabbily-dressed man with his eyes locked on the mayor. The spotters radioed the floor team, and Jason Arends drifted toward the suspicious individual as Illicit snuck her way onstage.
The would-be assassin began to raise his weapon, but before he could open his mouth, Jason shouted "Gun!" and tackled the agent. Illicit quickly reached out for the mayor, pulling him to the safety of a group of guards.
During the ensuing confusion, all 4 team members safely snuck out of the party, but not before planting evidence on the assassin, ensuring that his connection to the Imperial government was easily discovered.
MISSION 2 IS A SUCCESS! (Game tied 1-1)
???- Success
???- Success
???- Success
???- Success
You are now free to discuss this result, as I set up the third mission in the game. Will post details later today.
Lady Emerald Devon
Jun-5-2012 14:26
Ok so then Molly, Biggie and M.Lac are the spies? (Danny Mack)
Jun-5-2012 14:39
M. Lacrimosa
Molly Maltese (current leader)
Jason Arends
Danny Mack
ROUND 3 (game tied 1-1)
In this round, here is the mission information:
Molly Maltese is the leader. She is about to receive two abilities that she must distribute to players in the game (including herself if she chooses) before the mission can begin.
Those abilities are:
"STRONG LEADER": Whoever receives this can immediately become the leader, taking leadership away from the current leader. This can only be used BEFORE the current leader has given out abilities or proposed a mission team. (Since Molly will give this out before it can be used, it can not be used immediately against her.)
"STRONG LEADER": same as the ability above (didn't repeat due to message length restrictions)
(you have 2 of them to give out...)
Molly, the choice is yours; who will receive these abilities?
The mayor, grateful for the Resistance help in thwarting his would-be assassination, has offered some intruiging intelligence about Imperial movements in the south. It appears that the Imperials have learned of the location of a Resistance headquarters, and are planning on storming the HQ in a few days, arresting (and ultimately executing) any people they find as enemies of the state. This cannot be. You must secretly warn the other Resistance cell of the Imperial plan, help them escape to safety, and booby-trap the HQ so that the Imperials think twice about trying to "flush out" your comrades again.
This mission will require 4 team members to go.
Molly, once the abilities have been passed out, you may propose the mission team. You may put yourself on the team if you so desire.
I await your decision as to who will receive these abilities. Please post your decision here.
Battered Shoe
Jun-5-2012 14:54
Danny... Illicit could still be a spy and she just voted SUCCESS to hide it.
I think this pretty much clears Jason though because the only way Jason could be a spy is if both Jason and Illicit are spies and the chances of both of them voting success when they are spies is probably pretty small.
I think it also tells us that Special K is indeed a spy.
My personal opinion is we should maybe re-propose this same mission again and let it go and see if it is a success a second time. If it is, then we have at least 4 resistance members identified. If it is a failure, my opinion would be that Illicit is the spy.
Battered Shoe
Jun-5-2012 15:00
On the other hand.... if Illicit was a spy, if she voted FAIL, the spies would then have two wins under their belts and we would have to get ALL THREE of the next missions correct to win which would be pretty damn hard. So there is a good chance that there were no spies on this mission.
Jason Arends
Lucky Stiff
Jun-5-2012 15:08
Haha i sound so badass taking that gunman down B)
Jason Arends
Lucky Stiff
Jun-5-2012 15:10
Also molly, you're simply wonderful, more ham please. :D
Molly Maltese
Old Shoe
Jun-5-2012 15:59
Oooh la la. I love it. I have the POW-AH! *hip thrust*
Strong leaders, eh? How about we stir things up- shake the proverbial sticks as it were. I deem two people worthy of these 'strong leader' shenanigans. One, will be Special_K.
The other, our illustrious and proven Resistance hero, Jason Arends.