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The Resistance
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Jun-1-2012 11:11

I recently found an awesome party/social game called "The Resistance" that my friends and I love to play. The premise is very similar to games like "mafia" and "werewolf"; you have a group of players, in which some of them are working against the group and have knowledge the others don't.

In "The Resistance", you are basically members of an underground organization known as "The Resistance" attempting to destroy the establishment. However, among you there are counter-agents, or "Imperial Spies" who are working to sabotage your efforts. The spies know who they are, as well as who else is a spy, but will for all intents and purposes appear to be working toward the goals of the Resistance.

The game takes place over a series of 5 "missions". The Resistance is trying to complete 3 missions successfully, while the spies are attempting to sabotage 3 missions. First one to 3 wins.

(Gameplay in next post)


Danny Mack
Danny Mack
Old Shoe

Jun-5-2012 10:27

I agree with your re: Biggie. :) She was way too quiet.
And oh yeh, makes sense Nic! Okies.

Molly Maltese
Molly Maltese
Old Shoe

Jun-5-2012 10:31

Oh shoot, now ya'll are suspecting the quiet ones too? What if thats attributed to utter confusion? Haha.

Danny Mack
Danny Mack
Old Shoe

Jun-5-2012 10:32

Oh and I voted no because I thought you said we should/ I voted early both times because I didn't want to hold the game up. And the Jason things comes from Cek. He mentioned him.

Battered Shoe

Jun-5-2012 10:34

No Molly... it's just that I've never known Special K to be quiet, confused or otherwise ;-) Which made it all weird. I kept asking myself why Special K hadn't posted anything. And then lo and behold she goes on a mission and it fails and only THEN does she post, because she pretty much had to at that point.

Battered Shoe

Jun-5-2012 10:38

Well Danny, we probably should. If anyone else had proposed this same mission, I would have voted no again. And let a few rounds go and see who proposes who and how people vote before we send another mission out. But I voted yes just because Cek and I are on the mission, and I trust him completely, and because I have the veto card to use. I'd rather hold onto it for later, but I do have the power to use it if I feel like it.

Danny Mack
Danny Mack
Old Shoe

Jun-5-2012 10:39

Here's where I stand:

Me, Illict and Jason.

Nic, Molly, Cek, M.Lac


2 out of the Maybe *ARE* spies.
I don't know if Nic and Cek are playing a very clever game. And Nic, I know you are not only beautiful but clever, which is why I can't be sure you're not a spy. If you are a spy, you are playing this game perfectly. I am so unsure.

Molly, I don't think is spy. Yes, I know the spotlight card forced her to play success but I think as a clever write she'd be posting more if she were a spy trying to convince us she were resistance.

M.Lac I only thought a spy last time because he was the only one left.
Now I am not sure what to think.

Cek, could be... he is playing a nice, supportive role with this because they are both spies or because he can manipulate things that way by pretending to side with the resistance.

Battered Shoe

Jun-5-2012 10:45

Danny.... why do you think Illicit is definitely Resistance? Just because she said Jason was Resistance, does not mean that she is too. She could still be a spy and there really is nothing one way or another on her to tell us anything at this point.

Also.... riddle me this... If Cek and I were spies, why were we the only two to vote NO for the first mission that obviously had a spy on it because it failed? That makes no sense lol.

I must admit I would try to play this type of game if I were a spy, but considering this is my first time playing I highly doubt I could be that clever to post everything I am now faking being Resistance. I really just want to win so I am trying to let other Resistance members know what is in my head. Maybe after 3 or 4 times playing I could pull off a perfect game of deception ;-) Not sure about now though.


Jun-5-2012 10:46

The votes are in, and the team of Nicnic, Cekuray, Jason Arends and Illicit has been APPROVED by a vote of 5-3.
Yes votes:
Jason Arends, Nicnic, Cekuray, M. Lacrimosa, Molly Maltese
NO votes:
Special_K, Illicit, Danny Mack

Nicnic and Cekuray, you each have "NO CONFIDENCE". Would either of you like to use it now, to force this vote to fail? Please respond in this thread, either "Yes" or "No".

Once Nicnic and/or Cekuray has made a choice, we can move on, either to the mission or to a new leader. Stay tuned.

Battered Shoe

Jun-5-2012 10:48

Also I think you are right about Molly. If Molly were a spy I'm sure her inner Mata Hari would come out and she'd be hamming it up on the boards lol. Good observation.

Battered Shoe

Jun-5-2012 10:49

Well that vote has me completely confuzzled and I am not sure what to do LMAO.

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