Sleuthville AVH Tournament 2012
Riza Hawkeye
First Nomad
May-27-2012 23:30
Welcome one and all to the annual Sleuthville AVH Tournament 2012! I would like to extend a special welcome to the Sleuth’s oldies who have recently returned to the game, and a happy hello to the new players who have joined the community. In the spirit of friendly competition, and in the hopes of fostering new friendships and community togetherness, I hope that both new and old will join in this competition.
The format will be 16 detectives, randomly paired off into teams of two by a third party, to face one other team. (This hunt will go forward only if there are enough players participating [16]. If not, either the entry date deadline will be extended or the tournament will be cancelled altogether. )
For this competition, players going through Cairo will have one day taken off of their totals. The winning team will be the one with the lowest combined number of days for hunt completion. Failed hunts will not count against you; you will not be disqualified. If you fail your hunt and would like to start another, you may, but the day count will start from the official start date of the round.
The rules:
- As soon as you are matched up with your partner, please POST your team name on this thread.
- PM me as soon as possible if you find that your hunt goes through Cairo, so I can keep accurate records.
- In the spirit of competition, trash-talking is allowed, just as long as it is friendly and appropriate.
- If you are unable to compete in a round for whatever reason, you are allowed to ask someone to sub in for you for that round only. This privilege may only be used once, and only in emergencies. The player who is subbing in for you may be anyone who is not competing in the current round, even someone who was not initially entered in the competition.
Replies |
Carrie Mehome
Jun-14-2012 16:42
Well I finished with some help figuring out Cairo. I do not think I will wait 5 years to do my next hunt.
Almost had a heart attack though as I was expecting to be sent off to London to finish. Bright Red showed up on my screen and I thought I had failed the hunt but after further reading and checking the city news I was ok.
"New Mission Added
You have unlocked the Nomad Title! (Chasing an Arch Villain through Cairo)"
Thanks everyone....I think I am addicted again hehehehe
Jason Arends
Lucky Stiff
Jun-14-2012 19:02
So after having failed a hunt on day one for being impatient, and having to restart another VH, i went through Shanghai to London yesterday, today i got out of London and finished New York (i feel so awesome right now) And im off to Cairo tomorrow which wont count against me so im feeling pretty great right now. Dogberta we might still have a fighting chance!
Eh, even if we lose im having a blast and we did our best! :D
Molly Maltese
Old Shoe
Jun-14-2012 19:05
Jun-14-2012 19:01
Arch Villain Caught!
The notorious criminal Soldier Caesar Holtzer was brought to justice by Molly Maltese after a painstaking hunt in which the heroic detective successfully tracked the villain around the world.
Ugh. Finally. I hate repeat clues.
Jason Arends
Lucky Stiff
Jun-14-2012 19:21
*applauds molly*
Lucky Stiff
Jun-15-2012 00:42
The notorious criminal Sir Nox Lancaster was brought to justice by biggie528 after a painstaking hunt in which the heroic detective successfully tracked the villain around the world.
Ms Helen
Con Artist
Jun-15-2012 02:03
Well I tried really hard to get it solved today, down to 2 people in my last city, not bad but not quite good enough :)
Maybe next time
Lady Emerald Devon
Jun-15-2012 02:24
I really hate AVH. I forgot how frustrating they are. Congratulations to everyone who has completed their hunts so far...
But an even bigger congratulations to those still slogging through, it's drives me crazy so I admire your determination.
I know a few people who restarted their hunts and those people deserve the biggest congratulations.
Nic, I'm sorry but if I accidently failed a hunt, I don't know if I'd have the grit to restart!
To all those that did, I'm really impressed. I don't know if I could have done that.
Summer Daze
Freedom Fighter
Jun-15-2012 03:07
Absolutely Lady Em.
Ms Helen you are truly awesome. To restart and then almost get it done in 2 days is pretty cool. Rest easy - he will be behind bars tomorrow :)
Eden Zweig
Jun-15-2012 04:33
I couldn't agree more with Summer on Ms Helen's 2-days-long AVH success the second time she tried.
Come on, it's only luck finishing an AVH in time or not, but trying again... That's something to be really congratulated. A sign of determination and it's good at times that we remember we're doing this for the fun of it, only. Friendly atmosphere, a great gaming site, beautiful people. What more one could ask for. Cheers, Ms Helen :)
Jun-15-2012 08:02
the thrill of victory, the agony of defeat LOL. I had to restart after my Cairo fail, and I'm now on my fourth city but out clues for today. Its till fun, though having a team mate counting on you makes the fails sooooo painful. We may limp in last, but we'll be there. don't start the celebration party til we get there :D