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Our "Sleuth Hero's & Fondest Memories"
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Jan-10-2012 14:35

Everybody has had mentors and hero’s throughout the years in this game. Someone who has touched your life in such a way that you’ll never forget them. Private moments shared that nobody knows about, but you’d love to tell. Though some acquaintances have been brief they are note worthy of mention. Then there are those ’s who are “Celebrities” in our eyes. “Legendary Detectives,” who not only affected you, but everybody that knew them, and yet their presence is still felt, though absent from the message boards. Great detectives retired or no longer active, but missed. Well, lets bring memories to life by paying tribute to them.

Without a doubt my two hero’s are the King and Queen of Sleuthsville, Ben and Sunny Ringold. From the first day I joined Sleuth, I was honored by their presence and through the years formed friendships. One great memory I have was when I called Ben and Sunny at their home one evening, all upset and crying. I was in a panic and in desperate need of their help. You see, after I left the first agency I joined here to start my own, one of the members left to join mine. I done everything I could to discourage her to go back, but she wouldn’t hear of it. This resulted in ill feeling against me. I started receiving hate mail from one of the directors, which soon turned X-Rated. The language was so defensive, I became an emotional wreck. Desperate and crying I called Ben at home. I’m sure when he answered the phone he didn’t know what to think of me, but he was kind and assured me that he'd check into it and see what he could do. Well, all I know is the harassment stopped and I was grateful. Through the years I have often thought about this and it's kept me smiling. By the way, if they didn‘t think about getting an unlisted phone number, they should have. *Wink*


Old Shoe

Feb-22-2012 23:21

I miss our Crunchy too Jas. I was just talking with my spouse today, who is also Texan, in this game, about how much I wish some of the old players, would return. I can't help but wonder where they are today and how they're doing. By the way, I must say that my biggest hero in this game is Texan. He's always allowed me to play as much as I've needed, and even all night long if I desired, and no matter how many agents I have created throughout the years, he's allowed me to subscribe them as needed. He's the best hubby in the world. So hugs and kisses to my sweet Texas man:*

Makensie Brewer
Makensie Brewer
Super Steeper

Feb-25-2012 09:22

Ctown-- my dearest, my bestest friend EVER!! I'm thankful for this game for allowing me to meet you. Yes we are always picking on each other daily, and goofing off but in all seriousness, you truly are a dear one to me, and I'm proud to call you my bestest :) I dont play the game anymore but Im glad our friendship goes way beyond the game.....and its a lifelong thing that I wouldnt ever trade for the world. Cheers to you bestfriend! Luv ya! As for being in your agency, DPI, there we some excellent memories made there . I had alot of fun there and all the roleplaying we did within the agency. During the end, before I stopped playing, it was just that fun, and you who was keeping me in the game :)

Joey "Bulldog" Bane ---- LOL, thank you for the compliment and for the mention. I truly enjoyed roleplaying with you, and I'm glad that I made a friend in you. Even the toughest guy like you has a nice side! Who would've known? ;)

Kopper-- Another that I still consider a good friend, and had alot of wonderful conversations with!

Violet Parr--- I loved RP'ing with you . You were fantastic and one of a kind. Very classy and elegant!

Ms Cevasco -- dont talk to her anymore but still consider her a dear friend! Loved Directing Behind Closed Doors with her. its where we first met :)

There are others who I'll never forget but those are the 4 that stand out to me. There were alot of great memories made here, and I still come back from time to time to read message boards. I do miss playing the game, and roleplaying but now, its nice to just sit back and read others nice stories :) It was fun during the time that I did it!

This game will always hold a special place in my heart --- and who knows, maybe sometime I will come back and play. Ctown, better have room for me in your agency. I think its getting time to stir up some trouble in the halls of DPI. What say you? ;)

Hope all are well. I do miss the community!

Joey "Bulldog" Bane
Washed Up Punter

Feb-26-2012 03:06

Drats! Nearly fell off the couch here, Mak!

Makensie Brewer
Makensie Brewer
Super Steeper

Feb-28-2012 14:33

Didn't mean to make you fall off the couch! *grins*

Lucky Stiff

May-30-2012 21:54

Okay here we go.

I have to jump on this band wagon for sure.
My Mentors and handholders.
Massive big shout out too and too no surprise to some would be Biggie528 she and i started tis journey at nearly the same time and although she is a younger detective (by one day) i held her hand an awful lot.
Arabesque or ARALIVES more recently as the creator and main director of SMRT her passion was an awsome addition to her guidance. I still remember how sad i felt when i logged on after a few months absence and she had sacked me from SMRT for lack of attendance, i can show you the messages if you like, but her passion was extraordinary and i loved it :) another mention would be JSTKDN she was a joy too.
And CRUNCHPATTY, he was a crack up too lol.
And of course Ben and Sunny..

Lucky Stiff

May-30-2012 22:33

I have to add a fond memory... 2nd prize in the 2nd annual sleuth beauty pageant LOL sooo funny that was lol... By the way isnt it about that time again Guys?????

Lucky Stiff

May-31-2012 07:37

Yes I dont know where I'd be without you Chwanes! :)

Thanks for the shoutout, thats so sweet :)


Jun-3-2012 19:48

Today a couple of "Ole Timers" lifted my heavy heart and brought a smile to my tear stained face as I read their messages. All day my spouse kept urging me to get on Sleuth and play, that it would help take my mind off my problems, but I kept moping about the house until I decided Sleuth was what I needed. I'm so proud I logged on because these messages brought a burst of sunshine to my dark day. To my delight I had a message from JSTKDN aka, Nikkie, Lady Emerald Devon, and Autumn Springs. First, I want to say I love and respect Nikkie, and I'm so proud of her accomplishments. Next I want to say thanks to Autumn Springs for her kind words. I have often fretted about some of my threads, about whether I should or shouldn't post something, but when she told me that she loved reading them because it made her giggle, it made me feel proud that I had brightened someone's life, so thank you Autumn Springs, and I think you are an asset to this game and greatly loved by all.

Now last, but not least, I received a short message from Lady Emerald Devon, asking me if I remembered her, and about the anti-inflammatory cream she mailed to me, which really made my day. For you see I wanted to mention this story before now, but since I wasn't quite sure of her Sleuth name, I decided to wait until I came across it, or heard from her, and low and behold I did today.'s our story:



Jun-3-2012 19:49

About eight years ago when I use to play this game throughout most of the day and usually all night long, I became close friends with Lady Emerald Devon. It was during this time I suffered horrible back pain, due to six ruptured disc. Though the pain was excruciating from sitting all night, I was addicted to solving case after case, while chatting with my Sleuth family. Because of the pain I often found myself complaining to my close pals, and yet I wouldn't stop playing when even they told me to stop and go to bed and get some rest. Most would say I was crazy, and if you asked my spouse he would tell you I needed serious counseling, and not only that, but that I had neglected him, so much so that he had to resort to eating sandwiches, LOL! Well, not all the time...hehe. Okay, to cut a long story short, while during one of my chatting sessions with Lady Emerald, I mentioned my back was killing me and she responded that she could buy this anti-inflammatory cream that would help with the pain, and of course I was interested and wanted to order some. After a brief exchange of information and my home address, within a couple of days she announced she had purchased me a jar and it was being shipped to my home. Of course I asked her how much I needed to send to her, but she quickly said that it was a gift and she hoped it helped. Needless to say, I used all of the cream and it was a blessing. No you may not believe this, but I still have the container in my medicine cabinet, and though empty I wouldn't part with it because it was a gift from my sweet and caring sleuth buddy. Now, is this what you call being dedicated to a game? I think so, and by the way, thank you Lady Emerald Devon. I love and appreciate you. Love always DaRu, and your Sleuth buddy, Debra *


Jun-3-2012 20:09

PS: LOL, not sure how it happened, and it is weird, but I've noticed that my original thread here has been changed by some of my words having numeric symbols added. If possible, could a Moderator make the necessary changes? Thanks guys:D

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