Recruitment Thread
Dec-18-2004 15:05
I think it maybe is a good idea, to have the recruitment thread to be about recruitment.
Or what one should be aware of during recruitment.
There are a few agencies desperate to get new people in. There are a series of threads in there, that allow for non-recruitment type conversations that a lot of us (including me) can not help responding to. However, with the result of people who need people being pushed to the bottom.
And if you feel you can not stop yourself, contain it in 1 thread, there is really no need to have a kadjillion of them
Nuf said.
I apologize if I sound snobby.
Replies |
Majandra Belial
Dec-18-2004 16:27
This is the third time I've tried to push all the recruitment notices back up. I'm sorry if the repeated bumps have become irritating, but so have the extra threads.
Majandra Belial
Dec-18-2004 16:28
This is the third time I've tried to push all the recruitment notices back up. I'm sorry if the repeated bumps have become irritating, but so have the extra threads.
Dec-18-2004 17:21
oh so thats why u did it. lol i was wondering y u put ours up. thanks.
Majandra Belial
Dec-18-2004 17:30
You're welcome.
Majandra Belial
Dec-18-2004 17:36
And Racedogg, this is the fourth time now. I'll keep bumping up legitimate threads if I have to (including the one for your new agency), but would you mind leaving your previous threads alone?
Dec-18-2004 18:06
nobody seemed to be respoonding and im off that 1 now anyway
id like to start my own
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner
Dec-18-2004 23:35
Thanks Majandra for all the work keeping the Recruiting Thread on topic.
I've moved a few of those posts into Sleuth Talk, although I'm tempted to just delete them.
Dr. Falco Maltese
Dec-19-2004 01:00
Deleting sounds pretty good to me!
While I also appreciate the reason behind the bumping, I keep going to read threads in case there's something new, and it turns out they are just bumped. This is annoying in a new and different way!
I appreciate your efforts Majandra, and Racedogg, please, if you are going to stick around and play sleuth, try to learn how not to alienate everyone.
Dec-19-2004 06:23
Thanks Ben. And majandra, I think you did make a good call bumping things up, even for other agencies. That is very nice of you.
On one hand I'd say delete. But at the same time these threads are a frame of reference for people whom are recruiting and may not want to have this issues or people in their agency.
Racedog....you are going to start your own thread? Or own agency? So you failed Skylers test miserably. Shame on you.
Dec-19-2004 12:45
Never mind don't answer that. Please don't start a new thread. And I think it is a better idea to start your own agency, be careful what you do with your passwords.