Smoke Screen
Joseph Zeo
Tale Spinner
Apr-22-2010 21:04
"Cut!" The director screamed. He ran onto the movie set and stared at the lost man in a tacky detective costume. The director was a head shorter than most actors, but his stare was fierce. "I told you for God knows how many times, read your script as it is WRITTEN!"
"But real detectives don't say things like 'What were you doing at the time of the murder.' It's a straight give away to the suspect that a murder had taken place!" The poor man defended.
"God damn it, who cares what you say as long as it's a talkie film. A MOVIE!" The director slapped his script on the prop table. He turned to his crew, "Who hired this genius?"
The crew was stone silent. The cameramen wiped their bulky equipment fervently like their life depended on it. The lighting crew looked at their silver lamps as if they saw it for the first time. The soundman listened to his playback looking for noises that didn’t exist.
A young man in a plaid sweater put up his shaking hand, "but sir, you said you wanted an authentic guy to play the part, so I got you a real detective."
"I said I wanted an authentic LOOKING guy, Martin! Not the real deal. This is show biz, use your brain, if you're not SITTING on it!!" The stumpy director bellowed.
A voice light as chimes cut through the quarrel. "Boys, if you don't mind, I'll just go powder my nose." The lead actress with white blonde hair and the figure of an hourglass floated back into her dressing room.
"Yes of course, certainly my darling." The director cooed. He then turned coldly to Martin and the detective. "We'll take a 15 minutes break for you two to sort this out."
"Break! 15 minutes!" Martin announced, he then turned apologetically to his friend, "I'm so sorry, detective Zeo. I know most of this doesn't make sense, but can you please stick to your lines?"
Joseph Zeo looked at his shiny detective costume and gave a weak smile, "I dig what you mean," he sighed, "and you know I wouldn't have taken the job if I wasn't low on dough.
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Molly Maltese
Old Shoe
Apr-28-2010 13:02
"I do declare." Molly said decisively, casting a perfectly lined eye around the interior of Simone Summers house. "Is Simone redecorating?"
She had stopped by to see her old friend and invite her to lunch, but had noticed something was amiss. The door was wide open, and as she gingerly pushed it open and stepped inside, she saw signs of disarray every which way she looked.
"How suspicious." she said to herself, adjusting one long black glove as she moved forward. Her nostrils twitched as she caught the scent of something on the air. "Has she taken up smoking?"
She tiptoed through the house, calling her friends name softly, but no answering call sounded. Several bookcases and tables were cluttered, drawers pulled open and books knocked over.
"Someone was looking for something." she said, the hairs standing up on the back of her neck. She did hope her friend was alright. Suddenly she heard a creak from the entryway and spun around, raising a delicate eyebrow and adjusting her diamond bracelet even as she drew her revolver.
"Lord, this place is dusty." she said to herself, noting a spray of dust down the front of her smart black suit and brushing it off her shoulder in irritation. With a sigh, she pursed her red lips and aimed her revolver at the doorway.
"Someone there?" she chirped, her voice pleasant, even as one eye sighted down the small barrel with her signature excellent aim.
Joseph Zeo
Tale Spinner
Apr-28-2010 16:54
Zeo's Bruick twisted in the narrow roads as the dim street lights began to lit up.
"So, where are we going again?" Riza questioned.
"A safe place," Zeo simply said. Riza sighed. Zeo continued, "okay, from how I see it, Salazar does not have the tightest of lips. He'll talk. Whoever is looking for Tony will eventually find out from Salazar that you have been asking about him, and everyone knows that the three of us are friends, and are in this together."
"So none of our flats are safe." Vulkie said.
"Exactly, and Vulkie, from what i remember, your safe house by the water was blown to pieces from one of the jobs as well. So, our best bet is to find a place of someone whom I cannot exactly call a good friend," Zeo parked and cut his engine, "and here we are."
"Molly's flat?" Riza eyed the place and narrowed her eyes.
"The safest place around here I can think of." Zeo said as he got out of the car and took the unconscious Tony on his back.
"I don't think Molly is even home." Vulkie remarked as she examine the windows.
"All the better, she cannot say no in that case." Zeo replied. To seem polite, he knocked on her door nevertheless, and when no one responded, they started looking for her keys.
"I think she usually put it in the planter, I'm just not sure which one..." Vulkie said as she searched the pots, "there!" The middle aged women found the key and opened the door.
"I am not sure if this is really a good idea..." Riza said as she prepared a room where Tony will be spending for the next few days.
"You got a better one?" Zeo replied flatly. He was quite exhausted from the day.
"Actually..." Vulkie began.
"Shut it Vulkie." Zeo said, and she did.
By the time they settled by the kitchen table with Molly's coffee and biscuits, the sky outside was totally dark. It reminded Zeo of Marc and he gave his office a call. "No one is answering," he finally said and put down the receiver.
"Something's up." Riza said as she sipped her coffee. (con'td)
Joseph Zeo
Tale Spinner
Apr-28-2010 17:06
"We better go check them out, and besides, we need more information." Zeo said.
"So far we only have a brunette with brushy hair who may or maybe to linked to Johnny's death, and apparently the Genovese family, at least on Tony's side, does not have the photos." Riza summarized.
"I wonder who got the photos at Johnny's..." Zeo thought aloud, "Simone said that she had searched her brother's place already, so obviously this person, whoever he is, knew more than Johnny's sister." Zeo extinguished his cigarette and gave Riza a look, "I think we need to visit my old friend again, to find out more about Johnny and who he used to hang with."
Riza nodded. She got up as well and turned to her friend, "we'll have to leave Tony in your good hands for a while, Vulkie."
"Don't worry about him, I'll make sure he feel right at home." Vulkie winked.
Riza and Zeo left Molly's place in Zeo's Buick and headed off in the dark.
M. Lacrimosa
Apr-28-2010 18:30
Marc entered the house of David Rodgers; Simone's cousin. No one was home and Marc found his way to David's office. He had come alone. Leaving Simone at the safe house was the best thing for now. Who knew who was out to get her. Who ever had killed her brother, was now after her too. But the photograph had Marc wondering. He checked his pocket watch. It was very late by now. He reached over to the phone. Marc had heard from a source of his that Rodgers comes home usually about 1:15 a.m. from the night club that he owned.
It was 12:45 a.m. Marc picked up the phone and dialed the number to Joseph Zeo's office. The phone rang three times and someone answered. It was Zeo. "Zeo, here" he greeted.
"Zeo...I'm sorry." Marc said with a hesitation.
"Marc? Where the hell are you?!" Zeo screamed back.
"I ask that you can forgive me for what's going to happen. And maybe we can still stay friends."
"Marc, what ever the hell you are about to do, dont' do it!-"
"I'm sorry," Marc said. As he hung up the phone, he could hear Zeo scream, "MARC!"
Marc hung up the phone. Now there was just a few minutes left. Something creaked. A footstep in the house. Marc reached or his gun and screwed a silencer on it. He shot the light bulb. Of course he was sitting in the dark, but shooting the light bulb out meant that Rodger's wouldn't be able to see his face. Good. Damn good.
Marc waited for the door to open. A hand reached in to flick on the light followed by the silhouette of a human body dressed in a suit. The light didnt' come one.
"Damn, faulty wiring." The man said.
"Hello, David," Marc said with a creepy tone in his voice. It was now time to make fear become a reality. Marc stood up and walked to Rodgers who replied with a stutter, "Wh-who are you?"
"Your worst night mare," Marc said. Marc pulled out his pistol and unscrewed the silencer. He knew Rodgers was unarmed. But Rodgers didn't know that this would be his last night alive.
M. Lacrimosa
Apr-28-2010 18:42
"You have something of mine." Marc said, "It's a bunch of photos that was given to you by your great cousin, Johnny."
"Johnny's dead, you bastard!"
"Yes, Dave, I'm well aware of that. Now give me the photos and I'll leave, peacefully."
"I have no photos. I have no clue what you're talking about!"
"Oh really? My friend here says otherwise-"
"What friend?"
"This friend." Marc raised his pistol and fired. The bullet zipped and shattered Dave's right femur.
"AAARRRRGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!" Dave fell to the ground holding his leg.
"YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Dave screamed. "You tried to kill me!"
"No, David, if I tried to kill you, your head will be all over that F**KING WALL!" Marc yelled back. "Now tell me, where are the photos?" Marc said.
"Go to hell, pig" David spat.
Marc raised his leg and brought it down on David's wound applying pressure very slowly. David screamed and tears poured from his eyes. Marc raised his leg off of David's wound.
"You g0ing to tell me?"
"NO!" David cried once more.
Marc shot David in the other leg and in the right shoulder. He reached down and shoved his thumb in David's femur wound, making him scream in agony. "Tell me where they are!"
"F**K you!"
That was it. Marc stood up and two more times in David's leg; the one that had the shattered bone. David screamed in agony. "Okay! I'll talk. Just don't kill me!"
"Where are they?"
In my attic. There's a box. Full of photos. I took some of them with Johnny. He gave me what he had and asked me to keep them. They've done nothing for me except give me nightmares. They're in a tin box." David said.
"See? That wasn't so hard now was it?" Marc asked slyly.
Marc stood up and raised his pistol to David's head.
BANG! Marc fired one more shot right between David's eyes. Marc reached down and picked up the bullet shells. With out the shells, it would be impossible to trace a bullet to Marc's gun.
M. Lacrimosa
Apr-28-2010 18:45
Marc grabbed the box and opened it. On the top of the pile of photos he saw the one that he was looking for, but only to his horror.
--At the safe house: Location is deep in the heart of the city--
Marc slammed the door open. He shut it and locked it. Then he gabbed a chair and shoved it underneath the door knob, just in case anyone tried to come in.
He grabbed Simone and sat her down in the chair at his table and fixed the light onto the photograph.
Marc grabbed one of his pistols, and charged a round into the chamber. He pointed it at Simone.
"You had better start talking, OR SO HELP ME GOD, I WILL BLOW YOUR f**KING HEAD OFF RIGHT NOW!"
Joseph Zeo
Tale Spinner
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Peter O'Neil
Old Shoe
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Peter O'Neil
Old Shoe
Apr-30-2010 04:11
Late on a week day evening at Peter’s Pub, the after-work crowd has mostly gone home. Meaghan is deep in conversation with a regular near the front entrance. A young couple sits at one of the window tables opposite the bar. Two men are in the pool area, casually knocking the balls around as they discuss local news. And Peter O’Neil is washing glasses and cleaning behind the bar bantering with two of his older regulars about the sad future of the world given the state of its youth.
“They have no respect for their elders,” says one. “’Tis true enough,” says the other.
Peter adds, “Well they said the same about us, did they not?”
“Aye, they did.”
Peter’s eye is caught by the sight of a familiar Buick as it cruises slowly by.
Joseph and Riza peer into Peter’s Pub, a bright wall of light compared to the darkness outside.
“Looks clean to me,” says Riza.
“OK,” replies Zeo. “I’m gonna park in back in the alley. We’ll walk around from there. Remember, play it real smooth and cool ‘til we see how it goes.”
As they enter the front of his pub, Peter looks up briefly from his cleaning. Without looking up again he calls out to Meaghan. “See what they’ll be having, if you please.”
Joseph and Riza head to the same corner table they sat at the last time they were here. Joseph pulls out a chair for Riza and says, “Have a seat, my dear.” Riza is caught a bit unawares and hesitates. Zeo leans in and whispers, “Act a little flirty, but keep it low key.”
Quickly, she recovers and flashes him a big smile. “Why thank you.”
She is uncomfortable in this character. Long ago Riza had learned that a young woman’s gentleness and softness is too often taken as weakness by those who would impose their strength. It had cost her dearly. She responded by becoming hard and often ruthless, and that had served her well as a detective. But it had cost her, too. Any chance of knowing the joys only women can know were in jeopardy of forever slipping away.
Peter O'Neil
Old Shoe
Apr-30-2010 04:14
None of that is in her mind now. She knows they are in danger and her senses are tuned keenly into her surroundings. Effortlessly, she and Zeo blend into the room and, over the next 45 minutes, none of the patrons gives them a second look as they leave in ones and twos. When the last one leaves, Peter pauses a moment and speaks quietly to Meaghan, then comes and sits at the table.
“Well Joseph, you’ve gotten yourself into a fine pickle this time. I don’t mind tellin’ ya so.”
Zeo nods and smiles wryly in agreement.
“You’ve got the whole city stirred up and lookin’ fer ya. And seems each has a different tale. I dunno if you’re a crazed actor in league with vicious banshees, if you’re in cahoots with the Mob, or if yer friends are draggin’ ya inta Hell!”
Riza bristled a little at the last suggestion, but she knew now was not the time to take exception. Plenty of time for that later, if they ever got clear of this mess in one piece.
“OK now,” Peter said, “I see ya got yer own car. I suggest you lose it first chance ya get. I’m willing to bet the boys I been seein’ in that fancy Packard pass by every hour were alookin fer it. They’re parked just down the block a bit now. Pulled up as traffic died off just after you came in. Lucky timing fer me else I’d be figuring how to buy my new windows. And ya gotta know the coppers are lookin’, as well.”
Zeo agreed. “Riza, will help me with that.”
“But we have to get away from here first,” Riza added.
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