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Apr-10-2010 06:54

I saw this when I logged on just now. Now what do you think this means??

Apr-10-2010 06:26
Villain's Mysterious Disappearance
Agents of the Prince of Shangri-La professed today that they were baffled by Mordred "the Snake" Malatesta's disappearance. Last seen with co-conspirator Patricia Green, his whereabouts remain a mystery, as she had no knowledge of his travel plans.

This is really exciting!!



Apr-13-2010 13:46

For heaven's sake, ctown, leave the poor woman alone! Isn't it bad enough she had a horrible villain threatening her family?

*wanders off, muttering about capes and fools*

Demon of the Due Date

Apr-13-2010 14:15

Something I just noticed about this one and it's probably not anything other than a typo from our Admin:

Apr-12-2010 05:56
Whereabouts of Villain Still Unknown
The Shangri La Ambassador has confirmed today that Mordred '"the Snake" Malatesta remains at large. Last seen in Shanghai, detectives continue to scour the City for clues. 'We are chasing our tails, going back to old haunts, but we are running out of places to search," he stated ponderously.

Notice the extra ' In Mordred "The Snake" Malatesta, non of the others have that in it!

Washed Up Punter

Apr-13-2010 14:33

I did notice that ctown, but Patricia knows as much about apostrophes as she does about capes.

Speaking of the probably irrelevant, did you know an anagram of Malatesta is meat atlas?

I think the only one in Shanghai who could sniff this guy out is that dog. Unfortunately he's not talking.

shell marple
shell marple
Con Artist

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Apr-13-2010 15:32

Treschaude! How wonderful it is to see your lovely face gracing the boards again! :-D

You know, it could also be an anagram for: test a lama. Dalai lama, perhaps?


Apr-13-2010 15:43

Dalai Lama - Tibet - Shangri-La?

Washed Up Punter

Apr-13-2010 16:30

Good to see you too Anikka! I like to pop up once in a while if only to show that I haven't completely fallen off the face of the earth.

Please don't make me run around Shangri La again on a wild goose chase! I don't know how many more of those I can take.

Actually, after seeing in the news that "we are running out of places to search", I was thinking that maybe it meant the Battery Boardwalk might be opening soon. I know it is extremely unlikely, but I can always hope.

shell marple
shell marple
Con Artist

Apr-14-2010 19:48

Apr-14-2010 19:04
Claims Malatesta Dead!
Palace Authorities confirmed this morning there are rumors that Mordred "the Snake" Malatesta is dead. A Palace Spokesperson made the following statement: "Reliable sources inform us that Mordred "the Snake" Malatesta has fallen overboard, and met his fate, while traveling aboard the Sleuthetania."

very fishy

Safety Officer

Apr-14-2010 19:50

hmmm I'm floundering already.


Apr-14-2010 20:00

Squirrel, you just posted that silliness for the halibut... or was it merely a fluke?

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