Beautiful, New, Exciting Suspects!
Battered Shoe
Mar-4-2010 07:51
And Roamie was guilty, and Stooby identified the guilty suspect....
I haven't been this excited it a long time! A big thank you to who ever devised this fantastic gem!
(And Roamie was guilty :O)
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Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Mar-4-2010 08:11
Haha, very good Laura! Yes I noticed all the new faces too. Very refreshing! I haven't paid much attention to the suspects' faces in a long time and now I find myself looking to see if I know anyone. I haven't seen myself as a suspect yet but then I'm beyond reproach so I don't expect anyone in Sleuthville to arrest me ;-)
Thanks to whoever made this possible :-D
Felix Martin
Assistant Librarian
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Anais Nin
Mar-4-2010 11:58
I just accused myself... I'm a murderer! :O
Thank you thank you thank you to whoever uploaded the pics! :D
Ms Helen
Con Artist
Mar-4-2010 12:04
Love the new avatars, it makes me look at the screen again instead of just clicking buttons :D
Pinball Amateur
Mar-4-2010 12:19
(Been waiting to hear this bit of news, ohhhh bout two plus years now. ;-)
;-D ;-D ;-D
*goes off to tackle a case for the first time in months....*
Safety Officer
Mar-4-2010 14:45
yessum Ben did this whilst most of the little sleuths were asleep last night. :) we'll put something up in game announcements later to 'mark the spot', so to speak, but it's more fun that ya'll found out for yourselves anyhoo.
there is apparently a glitch or two; Riza has had two Miss Helen's in London (a thought Adam Carter may be either really excited about or really scare of :) so they'll be fixed those in due course.
Ms Helen
Con Artist
Mar-4-2010 16:32
Hey now what's wrong with two of me running around? :D
Lady Zeugirdor
Pinball Amateur
Mar-4-2010 20:42
Oh, turtledove, I'm sorry to burst your bubble. Not only were you a suspect in a case I worked earlier today, but YOU were the murderer!
It looks as if no one is as they seem.
Mar-4-2010 23:37
This has made the game SO much easier for me, because whenever I find myseld among the suspects I know I can eliminate one of them from the whodunnit-list. Obviously someone as handsome as that just CAN'T be the murderer...
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Mar-5-2010 06:42
Sorry to disappoint you Lady Zeugirder but it was a case of mistaken identity. As you can see I'm free as a bird. Fair warning to whomever falsely accuses me again, I will sue!!! Hehe.