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Will you help me with my invention?
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Heimlich VonVictor
Heimlich VonVictor

Feb-22-2010 17:22

Last year I read a news article on a man who accidentally left his baby in the car seat, went to work, and came back to find that his young child had died.

I set to work wondering what could be done to prevent something like this in the future and I came up with an idea. It's called the Carseat Checker, and it's up for a vote on as a possible product that could be sold. The decision will be made based on how many votes each product gets and how highly rated it is. I'm asking you to vote for my idea, because it's an idea that could save lives.

All you have to do is sign up using my link or another member's referral link (feel free to post yours after you sign up), click on Product Evaluation for Product 0034 on the right hand side, go to page 2, and vote for and rate The Carseat Checker.

In addition, for signing up and filling out your information, you are given $20 to spend on whatever you would like to in the quirky store, and there are some pretty neat things on there.

So to summarize, 3 good reasons to do this:

1. Save lives
2. Help out a fellow Sleuther
3. Get $20 free

This is the link:

A big thank you to everyone who votes, and thank you to Secret_Squirrel for allowing me to post this.

If you have any questions feel free to ask here or PM me.



Feb-25-2010 16:28

Voted! :)

Heimlich VonVictor
Heimlich VonVictor

Feb-27-2010 21:57

Thanks! We just hit forty votes and we're coming down to the wire on this. Some very unkind people have taken to insulting the idea saying that people have to be "retarded" to forget their children in the car.

If you vote for this and rate it, I forgot to mention, it's considered influencing it and when the product goes on sale, you will receive a cut of the profits for it. So $20 free, the chance to do something good, and the chance to make some extra money as well.

Joseph Zeo
Joseph Zeo
Tale Spinner

Feb-28-2010 19:56

Voted :) Commented :)

Today it's on page 1.

All the best to you Heim, i hope this product get enough votes :)

Heimlich VonVictor
Heimlich VonVictor

Mar-2-2010 14:44

Unfortunately we didn't win, but thank you to everyone for your support. Please enjoy the $20 that you got with signing up. I hope you pick out a cool product with it :)

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