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Gender problems?

Cordelia Falco
Cordelia Falco
Battered Shoe

Jan-18-2010 01:31

Has anyone else noticed something strange in the intros?

I'm fairly sure I've seen a female client with a Wife and a male client with a Husband.


Joseph Zeo
Joseph Zeo
Tale Spinner

Jan-18-2010 03:22

LOL, in the Sleuth world, anything goes!


Jan-18-2010 03:29

Sleuth - Anything in real life, happens in Sleuth too.

Don't be that astonished by "mixed genders", it happens all the time. Just like in real life!

Cordelia Falco
Cordelia Falco
Battered Shoe

Jan-18-2010 04:44

Astonished is too strong a word! It's just that I've been playing Sleuth for more than three years, and it's only in the last few weeks I've noticed this. OK, so I could just not have been paying attention (has been known!) but I wondered if it was a recent bug.

I should probably have said that the female client had a 'Wife' with a man's name, and the male client had a 'Husband' with a female name. So I think it's a bug rather than just a nod towards alternative lifestyles...

Safety Officer

Jan-18-2010 06:52

Probably just a misplaced tag slipped through. If you see it again report in the bug reporter. Those things, we can at least fix straight away.

Cordelia Falco
Cordelia Falco
Battered Shoe

Jan-18-2010 07:19

I realised I could investigate by getting the system to bring up different versions of an intro I wrote. Among others I got:

His name was Neville Carter, and his Brother, Zoe Carter was dead.

Her name was Agatha Addison, and her Wife, Jacob Addison was dead.

His name was Ulysses Lam, and his Husband, Ananda Lam was dead.

His name was Konrad Goforth, and his Uncle, Agatha Goforth was dead.

Her name was Prudence Newsom, and her Sister, Jacob Newsom was dead.

Bug report's been sent.


Jan-18-2010 10:54

It needs to be a typo report, not a bug report.

In any case, the problem is fixed, Cordy.

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