Street wisdom? Every week?
Clint Forthwright
Old Shoe
Jan-10-2010 22:21
I just got this in a PM.
Shady's Quote for da week:
"A man can't be too careful in the choice of his enemies. "
Oscar Wilde.
The sender's name was Shady. I immediately went to City Hall to check who it was from. It turns out that "Detective Shady" has a very old, very neglected licence of his own.
Replies |
Anais Nin
Jan-19-2010 18:31
*whistles innocently*
Who are you talking about SS?
Riza Hawkeye
First Nomad
Jan-26-2010 16:29
Shady's quote of da week is probably a bit too highfalutin for most of youse bums, but never da less ...
"We know what we are, but know not what we may be."
Da Bard
dat's Shakespeare youse schleps.
Jan-27-2010 08:46
Does anyone think that all of these quotes may be hints to get into the boardwalk?
Safety Officer
Jan-27-2010 15:07
lol and the conspiracy theorist raises his ugly head.
Joseph Zeo
Tale Spinner
Jan-27-2010 19:56
idk ctown, but look at my "Eavesdropping at Lucy's" thread, i think it could be the start of our boardwalk ticket hunt. ~conspiracy theorist #2
Safety Officer
Jan-30-2010 18:08
without wishing to seem like the harbinger of doom... from game info page:
Admin Sleuth Admin
Admin sunny
Editor/Mod Secret_Squirrel
Editor/Mod Paranoid_Android
Editor/Mod Heigh Leigh Irregulars
Moderator Dogberta
Moderator Jojo
Moderator ctown28
Moderator John Hale
Moderator cfm
Moderator shell marple
Moderator crunchpatty
Moderator nicnic
Moderator Lady Jas
Editor Ms Helen
Editor Anikka
** Chat Mod Shady **
Chat Mod biggie528
that can't be good.
Anais Nin
Jan-30-2010 20:24
You just noticed that now SS? It's been like that for awhile! ;)
Joseph Zeo
Tale Spinner
Jan-30-2010 20:32
Oh i didn't know either... so Shady is now a CHAT Moderator.....
*look behind his back nervously while in the bar*
Safety Officer
Jan-30-2010 20:55
well heck, how often do you think I look at the Game Info page lol. 'Ceptin to check if a certain 3 legged horse has won recently :)
Riza Hawkeye
First Nomad
Feb-1-2010 15:29
Much as I don't like to mention no dead Greeks, what wid still bein under da pump from da coppers bout da mysterious disappearance of 'Two Dogs' Papodopolous, Shady's quote of da week neverdaless comes from Epictetus:
"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."
which is a heck of alot more enlightenin than old 'Two Dogs', coz the last thing I remember him saying was 'no, please... mudda... myrfl gryfl erk...'