Titles / Achievements
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner
Jan-9-2010 05:21
Thanks to the great ideas and incessant pestering of several long-time players, including the Heigh Leigh Irregulars, we now have a Title / Achievement system available for horn tooting.
Titles can be earned doing various things in the game. There are a few titles that are achievable by relatively new players, but for the most part, the Titles require a long time spent in the game, and are intended primarily for those sturdy souls who feel like they have long ago accomplished everything there is to do in the game.
In most cases, you will be alerted when you gain a new title with red text, and the newly earned title will automatically become your active title.
You can change your active title from your detective page. When you have one selected (other than the default "Sleuth" title), it will show up in the message boards
<------- over there
The only titles I have auto-grandfathered in for users are the writing related ones (for authors of SMs and intros). Many of the other ones will be trivial to earn for those of you who have already passed the requirements. For instance, the next time you raise your Tiger or Steepers standing, you may see several new Titles unlocked.
I realize that several people were already maxxed out on collectible books, so I've made it possible for you to find a few more books.
Thanks again to everybody who helped me out with this update. You know who you are.
Sleuth Strong
Replies |
Anais Nin
Jan-9-2010 13:27
Actually ctown and Heim, it's a feature of Microsoft Word that works only with Firefox browsers. :)
Jan-9-2010 13:59
OK, but I'm not on Firefox! I did switch over to Google Chrome though so that must be what it is!
Lady Jas
The Chosen One
Jan-9-2010 14:14
Can't wait to unlock more!
Elizabeth Christie
Tireless Tiger
Jan-9-2010 16:12
These new titles are definitely great, but they seem to be causing some bugs in the game. I received this error trying to enter the catacombs in Cairo and sounds like another player received the same error trying to enter the cargo holds on the Sleuthatainia.
"Python syntax error at maze.spy:87 - unindent does not match any outer indentation level for earned_achievement in earned_achievements:"
Please help Ben!
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner
Jan-9-2010 16:21
Both the Librarian bug and the Catacombs/Ship Hold bugs are now fixed. Let me know if you see any others.
Good luck!
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner
Jan-9-2010 16:23
Oh, and CTown: it seems like every browser except IE has given you spell check in text boxes since about 2007. (I know it's helped my spelling).
Washed Up Punter
Jan-9-2010 19:05
You can pretty yerselves up as much as yer like, makes no difference to my rates yer schleps. It surprises me not though that the little runt has not paid his due respects to yours truly!
Elizabeth Christie
Tireless Tiger
Jan-9-2010 20:41
The catacombs work fine now. Thanks Ben!!
Safety Officer
Jan-9-2010 23:39
am I right then in assuming that if there was a Villain hunt title(s) for someone to achieve, they might not get it/them til they did another villain hunt to kick the achievement counter over?
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner
Jan-10-2010 17:50
SS: Yep. Completing one more task (hunt, book whatever) should unlock every title you are entitled to in that category. For instances, if you get a title at 10 hunts and 20 hunts and you already have 23 hunts. You will unlock both of those titles the next time you complete a hunt.