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A riddle
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John Hale
John Hale
Yarn Weaver

Dec-8-2004 01:45

Hello all.
I'm fairly new to Sleuth and I thought I might share a little hobby of mine with you all. Here's something for that sad moment when the mysteries of the day are all done.

Thousands lay up gold within this house,
but no man made it.
Spears past counting guard this house,
but no man wards it.
What is it?



May-3-2006 05:19

Horace Locke: A ring

vegasboy21: I would have guessed Rome or Italy

Emerald Drew
Emerald Drew
Old Shoe

Jun-24-2006 14:58

Give me food, and I will live; give me water, and I will die. What am I?

AZN Cinderella
AZN Cinderella

Jun-24-2006 15:37

Hey I'm a Texan!

Emerald Drew: Is it fire?

Emerald Drew
Emerald Drew
Old Shoe

Jun-24-2006 15:41

yep that's right!!

Here's another!

I run over fields and woods all day. Under the bed at night I sit not alone. My tongue hangs out, up and to the rear, awaiting to be filled in the morning. What am I?

Serena Siren
Serena Siren

Jun-24-2006 16:31

A shoe

Emerald Drew
Emerald Drew
Old Shoe

Jun-24-2006 19:53

Yes, very good!

Emerald Drew
Emerald Drew
Old Shoe

Jun-25-2006 20:28

Ok, here's another

Isaac and Albert were excitedly describing the result of the Third Annual International Science Fair Extravaganza in Sweden. There were three contestants, Louis, Rene, and Johannes. Isaac reported that Louis won the fair, while Rene came in second. Albert, on the other hand, reported that Johannes won the fair, while Louis came in second.

In fact, neither Isaac nor Albert had given a correct report of the results of the science fair. Each of them had given one correct statement and one false statement. What was the actual placing of the three contestants?

Serena Siren
Serena Siren

Jun-25-2006 20:35

1st: Johannes
2nd: Rene
3rd: Louis


Jul-10-2006 13:12

oh I love riddles here's one

A man that lives in a special house turns out the light and goes to sleep one night. The next morning while reading the newspaper he is shocked to find out that tons of people died that night because of him. How did the people die?

*hint*: boats

AZN Cinderella
AZN Cinderella

Jul-10-2006 13:36

he lived in a lighthouse and when he turned off the light boats couldn't find the way and crashed.

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