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Battered Shoe

Oct-29-2009 18:24

Okay, I'm a little sad that I sometimes miss out on whole on board shenanigans. It reminds of before I began playing Sleuth and my youthful innocence which was happily kicked to the curb once I finally figured out what a merkin really is.

When I was new I would read the boards enviously watching as Crunchpatty, Biggie, Secret Squirrel, Briet, Lady Jas, Cordelia, cfm, Jojo, Ms. Helen and ctown bandied about. Ahh, and who can forget the Al-Quties?

Look, this gets hashed out regularly about trying to get the new Sleuthers into the community. Most of us here love new faces, (even if they're from the stock avatar), we love banter, we love sleuthing and we love ribbing each other. Most of us don't care if you're subscribed, we want you to be active on the message board no matter how many cases you do in a day.

I'd love it if we had more active players messaging on the boards. Ask questions, make silly suggestions, make serious suggestions, contemplate Squirrel's whiskers. This is Sleuth Talk, not Long In The Tooth Talk or Over 300 Day Old Talk.


Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

Nov-23-2009 08:36

lmao.. I'm speechless !!

Safety Officer

Nov-23-2009 14:47

he was that wizard huh? Merkin the Magician. :p

Old Shoe

Nov-24-2009 10:03

Oh, Laura, those names bring back memories to me too..*wipes out a falling tear*
I never was an active writer on the boards but I used to read them a lot. (And i still pop in sometimes.)
One of my finest memories is the night ( it was night in my time zone) when we waited Arch villains to be launched and chatted in Sleuthchat for hours. Anybody else remember?? Say HI!!! if you were there. OOhh, good old days.. * more tears'

(did I go off topic???)

Pinball Amateur

Nov-24-2009 14:07

HI!!!! ;-D

Don't remember if I was there in the old Sleuthchat or not, but I sure remember that night (and the fallout from the conversations that people recorded from it ;-). One of my best memories is of Jr's (Jroepel's) weeks'-long angst-filled saga bout wanting to get up the mountain, and how stoked he was to have pirates round here. I still break out in guffaws at his absolute dejection at finally 'meeting' the pirates. (And you younger guys grouse bout getting pirated once or twice. He got hit THREE times in a row on one day, and was the first person in all Sleuthville to ever get pirated. An ironic record for him. ;-D )


Battered Shoe

Nov-25-2009 00:02

Tollo! Biggie! And talk of merkins!

This is so wonderful, I'm so glad that ya'll have touched me!

(And Breit I'm sorry Honey typo'd your name!)

Confidential to Tollo - you cannot go off topic in this thread!

Molly Maltese
Molly Maltese
Old Shoe

Nov-25-2009 00:34

Bwahahahahahahahahaha. I wish we had a thread for Awkward Lines said in General, because LauraVo's "This is so wonderful Im so glad that ya'll have touched me!" would take the prize.

In fact, I may just make an Awkward Lines-Message Board Version just to immortalize that statement.

Molly Maltese
Molly Maltese
Old Shoe

Nov-25-2009 00:39

(no offense meant, LauraVo. Congrats on the pageant biz-whiz, by the way!

turtledove had a really good one in the pageant thread, speaking of which. ;D)

Battered Shoe

Nov-25-2009 00:46

Ah, Molly I cannot take offense for I want that to sound exactly that way ;)

(Thank you, I'm in awe and humbled by the pageant honor)

Molly Maltese
Molly Maltese
Old Shoe

Nov-25-2009 01:09


*taps fingers together devilishly*

Demon of the Due Date

Nov-25-2009 08:58

Molly, before you get any ideas, you cannot change your avatar to be C. Montgomery Burns! :-P

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