Lazy Summer Day VH Tourney
Riza Hawkeye
First Nomad
Aug-10-2009 13:15
Ok, this is going to be a lazy summer day VH tourneyâ€"just for fun. I know this is originally ctown’s kind of thing, so don’t you all poke me if I do something wrong. :P
Anyone who wants to join, PM me saying so. The match will start on Monday August 17, 2009 at 0:00 sleuth server time. Now to the rules.
You may:
-travel to Shangri La the night before, but NOT start the hunt
-use a travel kit
-use head of faction privileges
You may not:
-use sidekick cases
-enter second/third detectives
The format will be 8 or16 detectives, depending on turnout, each randomly paired off by a third party to face one other person. The winner from each round will go on to the next round, etc, and whoever’s left wins! The results from each week will be posted here. Now, what do you win? Um… *fades off into mumbles*
And if I forgot anything, don’t hesitate to tell me. As always, have fun! :D
Replies |
Aug-27-2009 08:10
I guess it is not healthy to admit defeat before it actually happens, yet here I am!
"Is East of Bank, Is East of Bank. etc".. was all I've being told.
I guess everybody here in Delhi really fear of Colonel Maximilian Severn.
I guess tomorrow will be another hunting day!
miss snopes
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Aug-27-2009 08:51
I'm still here for the time being too LaSorella although I haven't played all of my cases today yet. The only clues I have gotten today are "NOT the Holy Man" so it must be repeat day here in Delhi! Yuck!
Brady Quinn
Special Deliverance
Aug-27-2009 11:10
Oh sure Joseph, kick me while I'm down. Bad enough you all wont let me play, now make fun of my abilities! :-P
Joseph Zeo
Tale Spinner
Aug-27-2009 11:59
It's not about abilities, it's all about luck!! Just look at poor LaSorella and Miss Snopes, great players, who's stuck with the same clue over and over and over. So, your luck got you 6 days this time. Many be when you enter, your luck will change!!
once i had 21 repeated clues in the same city before the final one pops up (and yes, it was during a tournament).... so start counting miss snopes and LaSorella, i'm joining you too. My delhi day have just started and i'm getting "South of Detective Shop" quite a few times already... great, that leaves me with...... 8 townie suspects....
Rosamund Clifford
Tale Spinner
Aug-27-2009 13:37
I'm sorry to hear you're having problems with your internet connection, topkebab, but don't give up yet! The more the merrier :)
Congrats to all who made it to the next round so far.
Aug-27-2009 14:03
I should have made it to the next round with a 3 day solve. I should have cheated and used the sidekick cases! :-P I would get away with it too if it weren't for you meddling kids! :-P
Brady Quinn
Special Deliverance
Aug-27-2009 14:18
sheesh Joseph, first you mock my abilities, now you are gonna make fun of LaSorella and Miss Snopes! You just dont quit do you? :-P
Who are you gonna pick on next? Everyones favorite player ctown? Or are you gonna go right to Sleuth Admin? :-P
*wondering if Joseph knows that this detective is a double* ;-)
Anais Nin
Aug-27-2009 15:23
ctown is everyone's favorite player? Really?
And, Brady isn't really Brady Quinn the football player?! My heart has shattered! I mean, I was so honored to be playing with the great... um, quarterback is it? Or is he the runner guy? What other positions are there in American football, anyways?
Don't give up tk! LaSorella, miss snopes, and JZ, hang in there! :)
Joseph Zeo
Tale Spinner
Aug-27-2009 19:11
I think i have picked on ctown quite enough in the pass already. Everyone should wait their turn to be picked on :-P (*did the secret hand shake, entered the conspiracy room, gave ctown another 30 repeated clues for his next hunt, may as well add another 40 for Brady as well...)
Now i know people are not going to believe me, since i'm part of (cough cough), but wow I turned out to be extremely lucky. Congrats to miss snopes too! I guess seeing the massive number of detectives around, the delhi crime circles finally decided to talk :-) Go LaSorella Go! It will be a good day tomorrow.
Brady, which detective is a double? you mean ctown is sleuth admin? LOL That would be the biggest news in sleuthville!!
Villains' Scourge
Aug-27-2009 19:48
Congrats to Joseph and all others who made it to next round :)