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Bug Maybe? False Accusation
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Lolita Marinez
Lolita Marinez
Sleuth About Town

Aug-5-2009 16:07

I had 2 suspects left in a IH Favour. Jumanah and Nazihah. The only evidence left to check was a straight hair. I asked the Barber and she said "No this hair isn't Jumanah's" so of course I accused Nazihah and got an FA! The game claims that Jumanah was guilty.

Has this ever happened to anyone else?


Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

Aug-6-2009 06:12

If you haven't paid off Shady yet then take a trip to Delhi. Delhi's Shady charges 20% less than all the others :)

Safety Officer

Aug-6-2009 16:44

If you have ever submitted a 'cat ate my homework' PM to Ben, just like me, you will probably find that human error has prevailed somewhere along the line :)

I had convinced myself that I had Pugilism, and that when the Shades of Mystery Upgrade came out I had somehow been stripped of this skill. No, the only thing I had been stripped off were enough grey cells to remember what skills I'd had in the first place.

And then there was ANanda and AManda...

The database never lies.

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