apartment tag
Jul-28-2009 17:07
...there should be an "apt" tag after the word bonus in the tags on the detective page so that you don't have to go to the map to click on empire apartments to get to your apartment. you should be able to click right to it by using "apt" in the same way you can click to "agency" to bring up an agency from the detective profile page.
Replies |
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Sep-2-2009 08:33
You are right Joseph. You can buy furniture and store your equipment there same as you store equipment in your agency locker. You can only access the appartment if you are invited!
Visitors can view the rooms and furniture but have no access to the equipment kept in the furniture. They cannot see what you have stored nor can they take it, even with their Lockpicking skill. The Display Case is the only piece of furniture that visitors can see through but again can't access the equipment inside.
Visitors can view the cases kept in the Case File if you have one but can't access the cases.
If you have a Bookshelf and a few books visitors can read them and gain a few experience points this way. Visitors can't take the books away.
There are rooms, like a dining room, which have a message board where you can leave messages to the owner of the appartment.
I don't think I've forgotten anything. Anyway Joseph you seem so put down not having been invited to appartments that I have taked pity on you. I will send you an invite to my appartment in Shanghai. There's not much to do or see, I don't have a message board nor a library but if ever we get to add a 5th room, I'm getting a bookshelve and you can visit and read my books ;-D
Joseph Zeo
Tale Spinner
Sep-2-2009 08:49
Thanks Turtledove!
*Joseph feeling elated and started to dance.... ~arh, but that wasn't a pretty sight.... (the guy seem to have two left foot...)
luc pfeiffer
Sep-2-2009 11:46
i'm rather new to apartments, and you can find a lot of this stuff on other threads, but here goes.
first, the people visiting your apartment have to be INVITED. Yes, they can come at any time. no lock picking needed.
next, yes, they can SEE the furniture and accoutrements/stuff you have. No they cannot remove anything, from the furniture to items you have stashed in cabinets, to cases filed in desks. Those last two are more of a problem than you'd think sometimes because it means that the apartment's OWNER has to be the one to remove them.
i'm told you can also MOVE your apartment if you happen to change base cities. i have no idea how this is done, but i do know that to move the apartment or BUY new stuff for it, you have to be subscribed.
there's other stuff out there about the apartments. Happy hunting, both for it and the actual flat! L
nancy balash 3
Sep-6-2009 05:32
This sounds cool.
So my stuff is safe in there. That's good news.
I can get experience pts for reading other peoples books??
Wish that was true in real life!
I guess I could put that on my resume/ CV: I read at least 3 books every week.
Do you have to subscribed to be invited> somehow I feel the answer is <b>YES<b/>
does this program read HTML?
nancy balash 3
Sep-6-2009 05:32
no it doesn't read HTML
Did I do that wrong, though?
Safety Officer
Sep-6-2009 16:45
the boards don't read html, but that tag is </b>
I'm not sure about being unsubbed and being 'invited' to an apartment.
Pinball Amateur
Sep-11-2009 20:04
No, you don't have to be subbed to be invited to an apartment.
You do not have to be in the same city as someone you want to invite.
You do not have to be subbed to invite people to your apartment.
You do not have to be subbed to read your own books, or read other peoples' books.
And no, people cannot 'see' any of the things in your furniture, except for very specific pieces (like the Display Case). And noone except the owner of the apartment (and Admin, presumably) can remove ANYTHING from an apartment at anytime, subbed or unsubbed.
Hmm, that get all the sub questions?? ;-)
Pinball Amateur
Sep-11-2009 20:07
(One of the reasons why Nephi and I are not the greatest of friends, by the way, is because he keeps wantin' Admin to let anybody be able to go into an apartment (agencies, etc.) and take whatever they want out of somebody's place. I'm just slightly against that idea. :-. )