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Looking for Ideas
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Heigh Leigh Irregulars
Heigh Leigh Irregulars

Jun-14-2009 13:30

Everyone has suggestions for new things they would like to see in Sleuth. Well, this is a thread for those ideas. Just post a one or two line synopsis of your concept(s), with a small additional informational blurb if two lines is not enough to capture it. Discussions regarding specific ideas will take place in a separate thread, to keep this one running smoothly. Please do not include complaints, critiques, or other discussion on this thread, for purposes of flow. Anything that is not specifically done for the purpose of outlining an idea will be deleted.

All ideas will be considered; even if no discussion thread for them is immediately started, don't lose heart. Ready, get set, post!


Anais Nin
Anais Nin

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Lolita Marinez
Lolita Marinez
Sleuth About Town

Jun-27-2009 17:34

I posted this on another board thought it might be appropriate to post it here.

Apr-18-2009 03:11

It was suggested that I post this idea here as something WE can do for sleuth.

On another site I used to play at the "free versus sub" was run much the same way as here. You got limited number of gameplay for free versus unlimited number of games for sub. You weren't allowed to join their "clubs" which were set up by members very much like our agencies. There were interclub tournies just like our TH and there were also community boards like this one. Pretty much the same type of site only board game based.

Anyway what they did have there that they don't have here is a Sponsor Board. Newbies would go in there and post that they would like a sponsor to buy them a sub. Anyone who chose to could go there and browse the list of newbies. Check out their stats. Message and chat to them if they chose to and maybe buy them a sub. The length of the gift sub was at the sponsors discretion and also anonymity with the purchase was a big point. I never found out who purchased my first month for me.

But what it did do was show newbies all the things they were missing. And more often than not the newbies would stay and find their own way of subbing when their time was up. Admittedly there were repeat posters who just wanted to coast on the goodness of other people but the communication between senior members/friends etc pretty much put paid to that. And having an open board like that made it pretty obvious which people kept coming back month after month.

This is just my opinion and I don't have the numbers so I can't say for a fact that it works to bring and keep new members but from my experience, my taste of sub made me want to buy a sub and I did. And I know others who were sponsored in and found the means to stay bbecause of their enjoyment of the site.

A sponsor board also keeps the newbies here for longer because they hang around for a while to see if they are success

Joey "Bulldog" Bane
Washed Up Punter

Jun-28-2009 04:06

Think I wrote this before somewhere...can't remember where...well, anyway, I'd like to see more gambling minigames around the cityes. Love the race track. A casino wouldn't hurt.

Old Shoe

Jun-28-2009 12:25

I'm a bit lazy, I have to admit... I'd love it if the Prince's door stayed solved once you solve it, because it's not actually a big mystery to open the door once you know how, it's just a bit annoying...

Lolita Marinez
Lolita Marinez
Sleuth About Town

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Lolita Marinez
Lolita Marinez
Sleuth About Town

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Lucky Stiff

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Old Shoe

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Pinball Amateur

Jul-5-2009 00:20

I think it'd be a good idea for someone to go through some of the old posts and research/gather some of the ideas people came up with in former posts/threads. There's a million and a half of wonderful ideas that have never been implemented, and all that really needs to be done is we need to go find them again.

Just my two cents worth. ;-)


Pinball Amateur

Jul-5-2009 20:24

Another thing I'd really like to see is to have some of the current faces put on the Regular Mysteries. Admin stopped doing that a couple years ago, I think it was due to time constraints, but it sure would be nice to see a few appear once in a while every so often. (No offense at the old pics, it just would be nice to see some new faces too. ;-)

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