the basement
enrico fermi
May-3-2009 08:30
i think the basement should be rentable to any subscriber without having to open an agency. this would allow inexpensive storage for 4 extra items and might stop the increase in agency setup that might be developing in order to get someplace to store extra items since the apartments and their furnishings are so expensive. with fewer agencies opened just for access for storage the true agencies might obtain these detectives.
Replies |
Sara Buxton
May-3-2009 17:49
That is basically a suitcase! ;) I think Ben made the apartments that way to discourage people from bringing everything with everywhere, but made it so people could still change their minds. But maybe a suitcase option? Costs $1000 per travel that could be stolen by the pirates if they attack and everything? That would be kinda cool.
But as far as a basement... I think I would suffocate in one. There wouldn't be any windows!!! Life is not worth living if you don't have windows. And it would be cold and damp... yuck. No, better to stick with the apartments.
Old Shoe
May-3-2009 19:01
Is there any place as easy to rent, if you are subscribed and not in an agency, as a Whiskey Cellar?
You will have room for the 4 items you asked for in the locker, and you are even allowed to store 2 case files, and if that's not enough, you may even invite one or two of your friends over to stay.
All this wonderful luxery can be yours for the small amount of $3000 as a one-off cost and a daily rent of $100.
You will even have a separate message board, and the feeling of being in a basement added. And, as an added gest, you will have a separate name for your luxery.
Compared to a one-room apartment which cost $80 000 without any furniture, you could be renting this luxery-basement for 750 days for the same price. Now, ain't that cheap???
To get the same luxury and storage possibilities in an apartment, you would have to upgrade to at least 2 rooms, and buy some furniture in addition to it, and those who have tried, know that the furniture is the most expensive part...
Joey "Bulldog" Bane
Washed Up Punter
May-4-2009 12:55
Well, since we're at real estate purchasing/renting suggestions, I'd kinda' like the idea of being able to rent hotel rooms in each city. The rooms can have also a safe deposit box or something where we could store an item or 2, items that we can ship when making the reservation from another city. This would be useful during VHs, for being able to carry around one or 2 smart items or the compact travel kit.
Sleuth Sindy
Pinball Wizard
May-4-2009 13:10
While I realize it's a natural tendency to want things to be "easier," especially after you've done something several times and have it "down pat," I think the allure of Villain Hunts is that they are a challenge - or they're supposed to be. Having an apartment in every city or being able to rent a hotel room to change smart and/or tough gear to make solving cases easier just defeats that purpose. A Villain Hunt, to me, is supposed to be a case of just you and your wits and the clothes on your back against the villains of the cities of Sleuth.
Having said that, I realize that if Ben did give us hotel rooms or apartments in every city, everyone has the choice to buy/rent or not.
Joey "Bulldog" Bane
Washed Up Punter
May-4-2009 14:22
Heh...I have to agree I do like my life easy :)
But speaking to the subject, having the possibility to carry 1-2 smart items gives a lower chance than being able to equip full smart gear. Also, considering you can have now 2 cityes covered from this point of view - agency city and apartment city, provided they are not in same town - this possibility would only have to cover only the other 2 cityes. Of course, all cityes should have the possibility for renting open in order to evoid the concentration of all agencies in only 2 towns.
In any case, I think VHs are a challange with or without the aid of smart gear.
Lady Jas
The Chosen One
May-4-2009 15:52
I agree with Sindy! Whenever I VH I always use a travel kit and I always have Zero smarts. It works well for me and I like it :D
Joseph Zeo
Tale Spinner
May-5-2009 02:41
Both suitcase or hotel idea sounds great. True though, that we really don't need to bring our gears around. For my first VH (just done one so far 'cuz im very busy lately), i didn't lug my apartment around but still managed to finish it under 3 days, and the lack of facility does help to speed things up. I now is into the habit of not changing gears often, i guess i'm just lazy :)
Old Shoe
May-5-2009 03:02
I second that laziness Zeo...
Joey "Bulldog" Bane
Washed Up Punter
May-5-2009 13:12
Ok ok...no making life easyer. Let me put it like this then: I'd like to rent/buy something new just for the sake of it...or for the sake of wasting my money on something that adds a bit of color to the present ones. Hmmm...come to think of spending my cash...the race track is getting kinda boring. How about having more gambling parlors around the other cityes also?
Sara Buxton
May-5-2009 13:30
I think Shadows would like a brothel in every city, too... ;) What would be fun would be to have books for sale in the bookstore though. Extraordinarily expensive, of course! I while I would absolutely HATE it if pirates stole stuff sometimes, that would be interesting! :)